Has the release hook (not currently installed, but very easily done) wide trigger shoe attached, upgraded wood (English) with soft top adj. comb and Jones plate with Kick- eez pad, four Krieghoff steel chokes (wrench), M, IM, F, SF, Krieghoff KS-5 Americase, stock wrench, and the smaller hex wrenches for the trigger adjustment. LOP is 14 5/8" with the 1" pad. Lever is still far right. Just cleaned and re-lubed from a complete take down. $2900 shipped, and insured. Some small nicks in the wood but otherwise very good condition.Owned since around 2001.
The gun came with the soft comb. There are several stock makers and gunsmiths that will do them. Yes, this is the "Special" with adj. Rib. SE Wisconsin.
No, actually the base wood is from the hard comb. The grain matches. Once you shoot a soft comb, you probably will not go to the hard comb. I prefer it now.