For Sale: Kolar Stock Set…SOLD

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by Marc Nuti, Feb 14, 2025.

  1. Marc Nuti

    Marc Nuti Trapster#1979

    Factory Kolar L1 Pattern, right handed stock set. This stock can fit Low Profile Fixed Rib or Low Profile Adjustable Rib Trap, Skeet or Sporting models. The stock is unaltered, in excellent condition and measures 14 3/4” LOP, 2 3/4” Drop at Heel, 1/4” Offset and 5/8” Toe Out. The stock comes with factory adjustable comb, stock bolt, 1” Kick Eez Recoil Pad and has a matching sporting style forend. $1,200.00 + Shipping. Please PM me with any questions or interest. Thank you.

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    Sawdust likes this.
  2. Marc Nuti

    Marc Nuti Trapster#1979

  3. Marc Nuti

    Marc Nuti Trapster#1979

  4. Marc Nuti

    Marc Nuti Trapster#1979

  5. Marc Nuti

    Marc Nuti Trapster#1979

  6. Marc Nuti

    Marc Nuti Trapster#1979

  7. Marc Nuti

    Marc Nuti Trapster#1979