Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by JMN Engraver, Apr 15, 2019.

  1. JMN Engraver

    JMN Engraver Mega Poster


    Ok so i have listed the Butt stock of the finished earlier with no taker so I thought I would throw in the matching forend.
    Now there is a small crack as shown in photos but should not be an issue and it could be very easily fixed if one was concerned about it.

    This set is priced it to sell at 795.00 shipped and ins.

    The unfinished two are as follows. The top one is a sporting number 3 and the bottom is a Trap don't know what number on that one.
    But as you can see they are of very high grade and would be quite pricey if ordered from one of the big stock company's.

    I am selling them for 150.00 each or 265.00 for the set shipped and ins.
  2. JMN Engraver

    JMN Engraver Mega Poster

  3. JMN Engraver

    JMN Engraver Mega Poster

  4. JMN Engraver

    JMN Engraver Mega Poster