FOR SALE:beretta 391 trap

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by huff308, Jan 29, 2025.

  1. huff308

    huff308 Mega Poster Founding Member

    DSCN2907.JPG DSCN2908.JPG DSCN2909.JPG DSCN2910.JPG DSCN2911.JPG DSCN2912.JPG DSCN2913.JPG DSCN2914.JPG DSCN2915.JPG DSCN2916.JPG selling a very nice beretta 391 trap with a 30" barrel and 5 choke tubes, full, mod., skeet, ic, and a non beretta choke tube. it comes with all the acc. and a beretta hard case. it has a shell catcher and a forearm cap weight. i took this in on trade and was told it had been shot only 50 rounds. this looks like a new gun. the previous owner did not like the automatic. price is 1500.00 plus shipping and insurance to your ffl dealer. would prefer doing a face to face if possible.
  2. huff308

    huff308 Mega Poster Founding Member

  3. huff308

    huff308 Mega Poster Founding Member

  4. huff308

    huff308 Mega Poster Founding Member

  5. Swede55

    Swede55 New Member

    Where are you located?
  6. huff308

    huff308 Mega Poster Founding Member

  7. huff308

    huff308 Mega Poster Founding Member

  8. huff308

    huff308 Mega Poster Founding Member

    reduced to $1400.00
  9. huff308

    huff308 Mega Poster Founding Member

  10. huff308

    huff308 Mega Poster Founding Member