Eurotargets Flew over the Cardinal Center? Test results?

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by merlo, Feb 12, 2017.

  1. merlo

    merlo Mega Poster Forum Reporter

    Word on the street is that the Eurotargets were tested at the Cardinal Center this past week.

    They were at least flying and word is that they "passed". No news yet as to what the "passing standard" was.

    I report. You decide.

    Merlo out.
  2. Win101

    Win101 Mega Poster

    As I mentioned in an earlier post,
    Our club has been throwing them fot last couple of years.
    Black rim orange dome type target is what we're using.They don't fly any different than any other target.

    As I had stated, shipping breakage is so much less our round fee went down, not up. $6.00/ round to $5.00/ round is a big difference.

    BRAD DYSINGER The Philosophist Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    I heard they looked and flew just fine. I don't have any other details. I'll have to wait for Merlo I guess to fill in the blanks. Brad
  4. History Seeker

    History Seeker A NoBody Founding Member Official Historian


    Too bad it's hunting season and you can not break away and go to CC, stand on the 27, and shoot those pesky targets....

    You and Dave Berlet out there shooting up a case or two would do the trick.

    This would be the true test in my opinion...

    Someone like you, and Dave Berlet who have seen millions of targets flying, and broken through the years, would and could give a very honest opinion of those targets.

    I've heard both sides to the story about these targes, but not from some of the THOF members who have shot these and would really know for sure.

    Just my 2 cents.
  5. Win101

    Win101 Mega Poster

    When our club switched over there was no telling the difference. They smoke just like a White Flyer as long as you do your part. If you didn't know they were Euros you couldn't tell the difference.

    We have several All Americans at our club and no complaints.

    It doesn't take a Hall of Famer to make a decision.

    No offense to Hall of Famers intended or implied.
  6. Smithy

    Smithy Mega Poster Founding Member

    I could give a rats ass about today's so called HOF'ers. They should be the ones to pay for the museum Illinois owns.

    As per targets Euro vs all others. I wont let our club buy from that jackass that was on here. All the others maybe.
  7. Win101

    Win101 Mega Poster

    Sorry Smithy if my post upset you.
    Most likely, they probably don't give a "rat's ass" about what you think, either.

    Your perogative on what targets your club buys and throws, also.

    That's the beauty of these forums, everyone on here can have their own opinion and yours is just as valid as everyone else's!
  8. Wildcat Lewis

    Wildcat Lewis Active Member

    Robinson Ranch here in Florida tried a container load of the Euro's last fall and from what Tom told me they had just enough breakage in the load to make them pretty much cost identical to the White Flyers at the end of the day. We shot several of them and they seemed to fly and break the same from my opinion. However, like the White Flyers sometimes do they seemed to swell up considerably before hitting the ground when you shot at and missed them!!!!

    Union Strong likes this.
  9. Smithy

    Smithy Mega Poster Founding Member

    Your stupid post did not upset me. Quit apologizing for it. Just implying that the stupid people should be paying for the HOF you mentioned that is owned by Illinois.

    And thanks for telling me our club can make its own decisions as to which targets to throw. We need folks like you here 101. Ole' Chubs wont be hearing much from us.
  10. Win101

    Win101 Mega Poster

    Brad's friend originally mentioned hall of famers, not me.

    From what I've read of some of your replies, I have decided to not give a "rats ass" about what you think. Nor will I apologize to you again.
    trappermike likes this.
  11. Union Strong

    Union Strong Mega Poster

    If those targets were made in the U. S. I might encourage my club to buy them.
    What state is that where you fellows pay so much? $3 to $4 here.
  12. Win101

    Win101 Mega Poster

    We're in Missouri.
  13. Union Strong

    Union Strong Mega Poster

    Sorry to hear about those prices. Euro didn't bring target costs down. 3-4 in this area with white flyer.
  14. Win101

    Win101 Mega Poster

    Our club has 11 trap fields of which 9 are trap/ skeet overlay, a bunker and 5- stand. Paid help. Probably the overhead that keeps round prices up.
    All I know is $5.00/ round is better than the $6.00 we used to pay.
    It doesn't matter to me what targets they throw.
    I'm a good Union man myself and it did bother me that they went to foreign made targets but when you see all the Italian and other foreign made guns in the racks and the foreign made vehicles in the parking lot, what's the difference?
  15. Roger Coveleskie

    Roger Coveleskie State HOF Founding Member Member State Hall of Fame

    Win. 101,
    I have always been a but American when I can. When a salesman would call on me at my Co.. I would look in the parking lot and see what he was driving. If he was in a foreign car, I would tell him to come back after he started driving American cars. That was back in the late 60's and 70's in Mentor Ohio. Now, If it is made here and sold here, it is hard to tell who owns the company. Roger C.
    Larry and Win101 like this.
  16. Win101

    Win101 Mega Poster

    I know what you mean. It's aggravating when something like targets are made in Italy and people get upset but at the same time they're showing up at the club in their Japanese SUV, get out their Italian Perazzi, and complain about foreign targets.

    Makes no sense to me.
  17. trappermike

    trappermike Active Member

    Anymore, trying to determine where products are made is very difficult.

    It is pretty easy however to determine where most of the stuff associated with our sport is manufactured.

    I shoot an american (Kolar) made gun. I carry my american made shells in a bag made by Uncle Charlie. I wear a John Storm coat made in America. I drive to the shoots in a Ford F-150 made in Kansas City.

    And I would prefer to shoot targets made in the USA.
    Roger Coveleskie and Win101 like this.
  18. Roger Coveleskie

    Roger Coveleskie State HOF Founding Member Member State Hall of Fame

    What bothers me is Italy levies a 22% tax on our products, but they ship in here duty free. I hope Pres. Trump irons out this non fair practice. Roger C.
    wpt likes this.
  19. Bunkershooter

    Bunkershooter Member

    Trappermike..... An you are paying $2-$5 a case extra for the privilege of shooting WF.
  20. Larry

    Larry Mega Poster Founding Member

    Obama spent 8 years trying to turn the USA into "just part of the world" with a mindset like we see on the damned Democrats every time the tv is turned on. Piss and Moan....... it is all our fault, go ahead and charge a 22% tax on our products cause we liberated you from Nazi's. Now the SOB is hiding in the bushes, plotting and scheming to undermine our current government and Schumer and company is floating right along with him.
    Trump said he inherited a mess...... well WE inherited it due to the actions of a bunch of idiots that put Obama in power for two terms and now his followers are rioting and screwing up what Trump is trying to accomplish. I for one am happy to pay more per case if it gets us headed back on a solid course........... Larry
    wpt and Roger Coveleskie like this.
  21. Win101

    Win101 Mega Poster

    So what was the decision?
    Is the Cardinal going to use the Euro Targets or stick with White Flyers?
    Any word either direction?
  22. trappermike

    trappermike Active Member

    That may very well be Bunkershooter.

    But just perhaps my shooting the White Flyers may help some average working guy with a job at Regent Plastics put some food on his table or buy his little daughter a new pair of shoes for school.

    I like to think that same guy is paying taxes to support this country.

    I don't know the guy who has a job over in Europe making the foreign targets.

    But I do know he is attempting to take the food off the table and the shoes off the daughter of the worker making the White Flyers.
    Larry likes this.
  23. Bunkershooter

    Bunkershooter Member

    Spoken like a true socialist. Did you vote for Bernie in the last election?
  24. trappermike

    trappermike Active Member

    Yeah, this entire "Buy American" movement is just a front for socialism.

    Did you vote for Hillary in the last election?
    Win101 likes this.
  25. Bunkershooter

    Bunkershooter Member

    Buy America does not mean buying stupid. It also mean buying comprtively . WF has not had any real competition for over a decade. They have grown complacent fat and They need a competitor to improve their product

    The current product ranges from the barely adequate god awful (bio targets).

    Let's hope they take this opportunity to improve their product and marketing.

    I voted and supported Trump
    Larry likes this.
  26. space gun

    space gun Active Member

    I stand with you (trappermike)
    Roger Coveleskie likes this.
  27. oleolliedawg

    oleolliedawg Mega Poster Founding Member

    WF paint quality was never much good. Remington targets were much brighter. Nothing wrong with WF bios because most shooters who stink on pitch targets also stink on bios but bios give them a reason for stinking!
  28. gun fitter

    gun fitter Member

    Don't worry Trump might actually make America Great again! We should buy American! The targets are just as good not vastly better. Buying foreign hurts the balance of trade. The more we spend with other countries the less buying power you have. I say if it's economically feasible then buy American. If the Eurotargets cost say over 50% less I might be inclined to buy the cheaper target. They don't cost that much less so I say throw American if possible.
    Larry and Roger Coveleskie like this.
  29. Roll Tide

    Roll Tide Member

    Keep Euro on the radar despite Chubbs. We need more suppliers. jmho
  30. Gerald

    Gerald Mega Poster Founding Member

    Talked with Luke after some practice Sunday.
    No plans to use anything but WF.
    Made in USA rules.
