I'm looking to buy a good shotgun that won't break the bank. My wife and I are just starting out in trap. We have a lot of friends and family we shoot with. My wife has a Perazzi TM1 she shoots. It is has been passed down to her from her father and grandfather. I'm looking to purchase a shotgun and I'm torn between two models. First is the Browning BT99 which is proven and seems to be a great gun. However I would like to also venture into skeet and sporting clays in the future. The next gun that sparks my interest is the Tristar TT-15. I have read a lot of reviews on it and like the combo idea as it seems to give me more options for different games. And it has a good price level. Both are around $1500. I know fit is the primary factor. However I was just curious if anyone had any experience in the two guns, especially the TT-15. lease no negative comments as I have read plenty of nonsense postings about the TT-15 on other forums. Sorry for long post. Thanks.
I own a TT-15 combo and very satisfied with it, it smokes targets just as good as the other high priced guns. It has a Phillips release trigger and it works good. Have shot for two months now and love it. I don't think you would go wrong purchasing one. HKM
Thanks for he reply. How would the o/u work in skeet and sporting clays. Is the rib to high? From what I see. Mostly YouTube. Lol. The guns used in those sports don't have as high of rib as the TT-15.
The rib is high, I don't shoot skeet or sporting clays but I think you could get used to anything. HKM
I think I'm going to try to find one somewhere to shoot or at least see the fit. I'll try it for skeet and sporting clays but if it doesn't work out I'll use my Rem 1100. The TT-15 looks like a cool setup. I'm eager to try it out.
If you're going to shoot all the clay target games, you can't go wrong with the Browning Citori Crossover.
I'll second the 680 series of Beretta's. I have several and one of them is from 1982 0r 83 what ever year they first hit the US shore. I switched to it from a 680 which is also a good used gun. I'd recommend buying a used trap gun over a new one, you should be able to try it out before you buy. The only new trap guns I ever had were the ones I got when I worked for Beretta. Brad
Used Beretta 682s are great. I'd also look at used Perazzi MT-6s...they're probably one of the most underrated Perazzis ever made, so they're also often one of the best deals around.
Remington 1100 Competition Synthetic. Awesome adjustability and unbelievable recoil reduction. $1100 or less, brand new. Check it out! Great gun
look for a good used citori or beretta 680 series buy an O/U get 32" barrels you can shoot anything with them. I would pick the beretta because there are lots of used barrels available if you want them.