Did Ohio Joe Charnigo change trapshooting?

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum - Americantrapshooter.com' started by merlo, Jun 27, 2024.

  1. merlo

    merlo Mega Poster Forum Reporter

    The big talk following the OSTA shoot wasn’t about what happened at the yearly meeting or who won the OSTA events.

    Joe Charnigo created an event called Shoot from the Back Fence. And the shoot was for money. Old School Money. Approximately 100 non-registered shooters came to the CC just for that event. There were no All American Points. There were registered shooters and the results are posted on this site.

    The event was after the OSTA events on Friday.

    Here’s the big story as per my pals in the trenches. Now the OSTA wants to control it. Who saw that coming?

    I report. You decide.
    merlo out
    just joe likes this.
  2. Rn3

    Rn3 Well-Known Member

    There were a few others that were involved in putting on the shoot and they're not from Ohio,don't think they'll let it happen.
    Roger Coveleskie and Don Cogan like this.
  3. T Jordan

    T Jordan Well-Known Member V I P

    It was the best event we have seen in years.
  4. N4simps

    N4simps New Member

    Sounds like it was a good shoot and chance for a big payday even if you didn’t have high score!!
    Don Cogan and just joe like this.
  5. EUREKA Post 2

    EUREKA Post 2 Active Member Past State President

    Who knew people would shoot for money.

    Make the ATA Events a competition, put money on the table!
  6. Don Cogan

    Don Cogan Bird Hunter Past OSTA President Founding Member

    You are spot on! The Back Fence shoot was a huge success on its own but it also gave a tremendous boost to Friday’s entries. Leave it to a pigeon shooter to figure out how to get juice back in the game! Great job by all the event organizers and sponsors. Now let’s see if other large venue’s will give it a try. Well done Mr. Charnigo!
  7. PaShooter

    PaShooter Member

    Wonder if any shooters stayed away due to lack of All American PointsKudos to the organizers, appeared to be a great success
  8. cwtech

    cwtech Active Member

    A question for anyone who participated:

    Were the targets set at ATA specs or were they faster and/or wider?

    Thank you!
  9. M Johnson

    M Johnson Well-Known Member

    The Back Fence event started within 20 minutes of the last registered handicap event. There wasn't enough time to change the targets. I didn't plan very well and shot the 2 events back to back and observed no difference.
    To the original question:
    It was a great idea and a great shoot. I think the timing was the best part of the idea. Perhaps we will have similar events at othe large venues in the future. But ultimately I doubt it will change trapshoting as we know it presently.
    Kudos to Preston, he is a tremendous talent. And one of the finest young people you could ever meet.
    Roger Coveleskie and cwtech like this.
  10. Double Trouble

    Double Trouble Active Member

    Can you be less vague? What does "control it" mean?
  11. Mack Truck 6

    Mack Truck 6 Member

    The CC needed a big money shoot at the Cardinal Classic.
  12. oleolliedawg

    oleolliedawg Mega Poster Founding Member

    Maybe we should ask how many of the chronic complainers ponied up some cash and supported Charnigo and a very interesting event. Afterall, you didn't need to be a current ATA member to participate. That said, I'm told it was a once and done never to be duplicated. Anyway, kudos to Joe.