If you don't have the book, click the link, scroll down and choose one of the 38 nostalgic trap shooting tales. http://pssatrap.org/road-to-yesterday/Index-Road-To-Yesterday.htm If you want the book, his daughter still sells them. -Gary PS: If you want to see the gentlemanly Mr. Baldwin shoot, check out this vintage Remington instructional video:
Susan, One of my prize pieces of memorabilia is the book your dad wrote and that he signed one for me on August 15, 2005. We were setting in front of the old HOA on a bench right by the the first aid station. Him and I were talking about the ATA's move to Sparta and what it would mean for trap shooting. He was adamant, as was I and still am, that the move would hurt the sport. I can't believe in his wildest dreams he would have every thought that the HOA would move from Vandalia and be in the shape it is today. Every now and then I get out your dad's book and relive the past through his writing. I wish the HOA was on stable ground but I'm proud that the OSTA has a nice museum started at the Cardinal Center. The history of trap shooting is in jeopardy right now, I hope it is saved before it is too late. Brad Dysinger
Have bought several and used them for Birthday presents for my trapshooting buddies cause they spend all their money on shot