I can't help but wonder if this guy was a real Deputy or a Casual just to fill the seat so the Dept would collect additional benefits ($$$) for training ... My brothers are Cops and not one of them understand why this guy never put a stop to it unless he was not trained and panicked ... This is obviously a common practice if and when they do not have a real Cop to use based on what they are saying for extra duty ... There should be designated teachers trained and armed in all schools if this is the new normal in this day and age ... I can't imagine how this guy feels for not or not being able (trained) to do his job ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
It isn't enough that the deputy resigned, the Sheriff is as responsible as the deputy. He needs to go
I seen an artical that the sheriff is buddy buddy with the muslim brotherhood. It was on the internet, do not know if it was checked out and is true. Roger C.