Changing POI when changing hold point

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by 635 G, Feb 24, 2025.

  1. 635 G

    635 G Mega Poster

    I'm a one eyed shooter. My Infinity is set to shoot 140% high. This was set up for me by the Late Dean Debow,
    I used to hold low on the front edge of the house; however, lately I've tried a higher hold point , I'm shooting slower with less moves to the target, but my misses are caused by me shooting over the target, thinking about reducing my POI if I continue to try the higher hold
  2. Geterdun

    Geterdun Active Member

    Been a one eyed shooter forever............ I would say that is way on the high side. I like mine 12 to 15 to the core of the pattern. Never really cared for what percentage number it was. I can get away with hold a foot or so on 16s, but you better be down on the house from 27. This is on my 16 and HDCP gun. The doubles gun is flat.

    Long as you can get it to shoot where YOU are looking!!!!!!!!!!
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