Being Successful At Longrange Shooting

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by dr.longshot, Jul 22, 2015.

  1. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    How to be successful at breaking long range targets: Shooters who shoot a high point of impact will usually beat the average shooter, why? When you shoot your gun the shot starts falling, being pulled down by gravity, the target after reaching it's peak starts falling by gravity.

    The average shooter has a point of impact from 60/40- 70/30-to 80/20, these are the usual std POIs. now the heavier the shot is the velocity is held longer, it resists the air/wind better, #7 shot adds about 7 yards greater target breaking ability, over 7.5s, stepping up to #6s it will add add'l yardage, and it holds velocity further.

    I personally feel #6s will break any target as far as the trap machine can throw a target. I have no problems breaking targets at 80 yards using a Xtra-full choke tube, some shooters use larger shot, but your pattern has more holes in it for target to get through.

    For 7 weeks straight I broke the Longshot target at my club w/my CG, I have since made a stupid mistake by selling it.

    Since I had my foot removed 4/13/15 I have not shot the longshot, as my wheelchair cannot navigate the gravel.

    Before I had foot removed I watched everyone shoot the longshot/watching from behind them, I noticed 80% were right on the target but shooting under it/ their shot was falling and they are not compensating for this. My CG shot 18-20 inches high, and at the distance where the longshot bird is with my POI I am on it.

    I estimate the shot is falling approx. 24"inches at that distance, that's my estimate not perfection, no graph just observance. Plus the target is rising to it's peak and then starts falling also, there are variables here/ wind & Drafts.

    Since I shoot the target on the rise I point directly at it, I NEVER float a bird. That gives me a distinct advantage in shooting long range targets, as it will other shooters with a high POI. But some long time shooters that know where their shotgun shoots and have a TIGHT choke like a MODEL 12, make adjustments for this type of shooting.

    The Miss & Out at Knox Gun Club where Mr. & Mrs. Don Cogan won 1st and 2nd place, targets were shot in excess of 30 yards and between the two traps creating MORE ANGLE and their win was done on the trap set on WOBBLE.
    I want to Congratulate them on a terrific win, They are a step above in shooting abilities, CONGRATULATIONS.

    There is no way a 12 Ga. Trap Gun has reached it's limit at 27 yards, nor do I feel it's limit is 30 yards, with todays development of Trapguns & Shells, Wads, Targets and Progressive burning Powder, and Voice Calls.

    Since my purchase of my ATA HOF #161 of 200 Winchester HOF Combo 34" Choke tube single Bbl& 30"inch O/U
    top Bbl Fixed Full Choke and under Bbl Choke tube, I purchased an KICK's SMOKE Extended Ported tube@ .690
    Extra Full Tube, which is the only tube I shoot period. The tighter the better, is my judgment.

    It had a Monte Carlo Stock which was too low for me, so I sent it to Dave Berlet and had him install his Adjustable Comb for me, and a Fantastic job I might say. I also had him make an extra set of posts 3/8ths inch longer. Which allows me to add height to the rear of the rib so it will make the gun shoot higher for me.

    I hope this will enlighten you how and why I break those long targets, and it will help you.

    Gary Bryant Doctor Longshot
    HistoryBuff and wpt like this.
  2. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    I am a little dis appointed in you, at the Dysinger throw down as you got ready to shoot your turn is was obvious that you did not have on eye and hearing protection ... That would not be a good example to set for the younger shooters who are looking up to many of the Old Timers (not that we are old timers by any means ) ... I would like it if you would make a note to remind yourself (memory, ain't what it once was) so you can set a better example in the future ... WPT ... (YAC) ...