American Trapshooter Mods Counter Culture to Mainstream

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by just joe, Aug 29, 2024.

  1. just joe

    just joe Administrator Staff Member

    Back in the day there was one narrowly focused biased forum. Then we jumped in. This group was the counterculture of shotgun sports.

    This group/forum was created to give more people a voice and to expose the obvious corruption that has nearly destroyed the industry.

    We caught a shooting organization publishing false numbers and forced a retraction. There was the Investigator from the Attorney General that forced a bylaw change.

    The brightest and most knowledgeable writers had a voice. They used it.

    Threats of violence came from obvious sources. We didn't get here being the nice guys. It was expected.

    We have a for sale section that is self-policed.

    It was said this place wouldn't last 30 days and the leader wasn't bright enough and didn't have the money.

    The point is don't be surprised when our moderators seem to go on the offense. Admin supports the moderators and that is not going to change. If you don't like hearing a mod defending the forum, then change threads. There are thousands here.

    Welcome the attacks. It reminds us that we won.

    Thanks mods. -joe
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2024
  2. A26A

    A26A Mega Poster Founding Member

    You got to the 27 and beyond.