Don, also had a shooter from Illinois and 1 from Florida.
Scores of 97 earn 2 yards for next Calcutta, 96 earns 1 yard, 94 earns 1/2 yard.
Calcutta Results: 111 in Calcutta, 117 in Lewis class. Calcutta purse= $18,178 Purse= $2240 50s = $3330 Lewis = $2340 Total = $26,088 Calcutta...
We have an excellent turnout pre-squadding for the Calcutta this Saturday, Dec. 14, higher than last year. The auction will start promptly at 10 am...
If you would like to tune up for the Calcutta, Williams County Gun Club will be holding an ATA shoot on Black Friday, Nov. 29. Singles at 9, followed...
Call, text, or email for pre-squadding. Flyer attached. Joe Nester 419-769-0926
Outstanding crowd for the Calcutta yesterday, 121 shooters from 6 states, 26 squads. Thanks to all of those who worked and helped make the day,...
Big crowd already pre-squadded, nice weather forecast- see you tomorrow!
Flyer attached
Williams County Ohio will hold an ATA shoot Saturday, Oct. 14 for National Trapshooting Day. Singles start at 9 am, followed by handicap and doubles....
I sat right next to Mr. Papa........
Brad- I remember those days. It was a big deal, and dad and several others from Williams County were attending the Zone no matter what. I was in high...
I would definitely not call the NW Zone at Williams County a fail. Great bunch of shooters both days, excellent food, didn't observe anyone not...
Williams County Gun Club and Newport Sportsmen's Club will host the NW zone shoot May 20-21. Saturday is 200 Singles, Sunday is 100 Doubles followed...
I have managed the books and the ATA shoots for the Williams County Gun Club for some time. We are a club run by shooters, for the benefit of the...
I wanted to expand on discussion started in another thread, and maybe get some guys to put on their thinking caps with some thoughts that can help...
Guys- Very good discussion here- and I want to make some points concerning small clubs surviving that are right in the same stream of what you are...
Jeff- We used to run 3 a year- Dec, Feb, March. Then covid hit, and Roger and I keep aging! Last year we had one in December about this time, but as...
Brad- You are fairly close. The winner was purchased by another shooter- so a good share went to the purchaser. The second place shooter was a...
I've got right at 60 pre-squadded now- which is a very good number for this shoot. We could be pushing 90 to 100 shooters. Just talked with Roger...
Brad you should still come shoot it. I'll look for my old Sony Walkman, and you can tune in some classic rock. Used to work, right?
Got you covered Jeff- sent you an email. And might I say you have a dandy memory! Or a camera in your phone.....
Normally we will have 80 to 90 shooters. Not sure what normal is anymore.... I currently have 6 full squads of pre-squad, plus 5 individuals. We have...
Heads up for a Calcutta at Williams County, Ohio, Flyer attached [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Williams County Ohio will host an ATA shoot this Saturday Sept. 17, singles at 9 am, followed by caps and doubles. There is an error on the paper...
Here is the correct program. Sorry about that!
Holy cow good catch Don! Yes it is 100 singles, I'll get the correct program attached when I get done haul corn tomorrow.
Big Papa, If we can get 30 plus entrants in the shell Lewis, we'll pay 4 classes. Under 30 entrants and we'll pay 3 classes.
We will be sharing the NW Zone shoot with Newport Sportsmen's Club. Williams County starts at 9 am Saturday May 14, with 100 – 16-yard targets, Zone...
Yesterday’s Calcutta results: 88 shooters total, 81 in Calcutta Calcutta purse was $8275 Lewis was $1680 Purse was $1600 50’s purse was $2370...
Calcutta Sat. Dec 18 at Williams County Gun Club, NW Ohio- see attachment Joe Nester
Williams County Gun Club ATA Registered event this Saturday is a Doubles Marathon, 5 separate 100 bird events. $24 targets + daily fees, $10 optional...
Brad we had 84 in the singles, 62 in the doubles, and 86 in the caps at Williams County.
The gals will have breakfast at Williams County both days.
The Calcutta we had scheduled for Dec. 19 has been cancelled, hope to get another going later in the winter. Joe
Williams County will be holding a registered shoot Saturday, October 10, 100 singles starting at 9 am, followed by 100 caps and 100 doubles. Food...
Williams County will be holding a registered shoot this Saturday, 100 singles starting at 9 am, followed by 100 caps and 100 doubles. Food will be...
We have moved our Sept. 19 ATA shoot to Sept 26 so we don't conflict with the rescheduled Buckeye. Thanks and hope to see you at Williams County.
Saturday Singles Class Winners 1 oz Silver AA Jeff Fether 99 over AJ Brenner A Jason Marzette 98 over David Kovasckitz forfeit B Duane...
Big 50 6-way jackpot total is at $6507.50
We will have lunch available at the club, no breakfast. If you want to pre-squad, call or text me at 419-769-0926, or email at
More info will be posted closer to shoot dates.
Speaking of athletes, Duck Dog bested the field yesterday in caps with a blistering 96!
Shooters are exempt Glen!
In accordance with the Governor's mask mandate beginning Thursday, July 23 at 6 pm, you will need to wear a mask in the clubhouse, or outside if you...
Williams County will be holding a registered shoot this Saturday, 100 singles starting at 9 to 9:30 when the squads are filled, followed by 100 caps...
Boy I can tell you exactly where I was. At the Grand, watching my dad Bob Nester, break 98 in the Oho Handicap and tie for tops with 2 other...
Thought I would post an old photo of our trap help for the Calcutta. Brad Nester on the right, next to him is Tyler T-Bone Johnson, and the little...
CORRECTION TO 6-WAY 50s RESULTS Sorry, but my above post has some inaccuracies. We are very fortunate to have a couple young trapshooters helping us...
Brad- Currently at $468,000 before I make the next deposit. Just phenomenal what the Potterfields have done for the youth shooting sports. And yes-...
Separate names with a comma.