Joe how is your law suit going against Wal Mart, I know you are always armed. Any bad guys still working there?
This will be my 30th year running Thorn Bottom Hunting. Today I just release pheasants but in the past I did chuckers, quail, huns and pigeons....
As soon as Canada becomes a state will the ATA reduce their delegates to one instead of all they have now? Seems that would be right.
I like seeing all these calcuttas advertised on here. This reminds me of back in 1974 when I started trap shooting. I shot calcuttas at 7 or 8...
My neighbors uncle went to the book store yesterday to buy Trump's latest book. The green haired whatever behind the counter yelled at him and told...
I've spent the last 4 days watching the nutty Harris backing he/she/them/that/its ranting on u tube about no sex for the next 4 years and then...
Family Guy if you wash out to sea who will run this site? Tie yourself to one of those palm trees. Are your mods with you? Do I have to ask Big...
I want to let everyone know that Dave Berlet called me this am to let me know that Sandy lost her battle last night. No plans of as yet have be...
Who ever said that time was relavent was surely talking about this our time. I remember when the kool aid kids said that Joe's web site, THIS ONE,...
The commie state of CA just added 11 % to guns and ammo sales in that great state of California. Why buy the shells if you can shop lift them and...
Family guy you said that you were going to the osta meeting last nite but we haven't seen any evidence to prove that. What's the deal? Are you...
This is for Joe Nester, I heard by the grape vine that the winner of the calcutta at Williams, Co on Sat. got around $6,000 and the runner-up about...
I don't know how many of you have been paying attention to Elon Musk's twitter releases about the government, the dems, the fbi and the cia all going...
President Trump knows that the place to be is Vandalia, Ohio and not Sparta, Illinois. Too bad the ATA BOD and HOF aren't as smart. I think...
I read that Canucks can't buy or sell a handgun anymore and that all foreign gun imports are out. Does this mean trap guns too. What trap guns are...
Family Guy you spent all that time at the Cardinal Center for the SCTP, what did you see? What do you think? It would be nice for you to post some...
I just read on Breitbart that California was being sued over a law that Newson sighed by emergency order that will make (SCTP) youth shooting...
Something I need to ask the administration of this forum. Are you aware of the New York new anti gun law that they just passed regarding concealed...
Today after 97 years Cat fled Commie Illinois for Texas. The ATA and HOF are both still stuck in Sparta. The SCTP was smart enough to leave the...
Many years ago the kool aid kids site predicted that wouldn't last a month. I wonder if they made the same prediction about...
Yesterday out of the blue I got a phone call from first Daro Handy's son Dean, and then Daro himself. I hadn't talked to Daro for many years, so...
I've been watching the Ottawa happenings and can't believe that Canada is becoming a dictatorship before my eyes. I loved trap shooting and hunting...
Here it is 2021 all shot to hell and 2022 staring us right in the eye. So many of my friends and family can't understand why that as Brandon and the...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Here is the Brass Banana that Dave Berlet has been talking about. It was a doubles trophy that I got from the old Great Lakes...
I talked to Jake and he told me that the Cardinal Center has leased out the Legacy Restaurant to a Pizza, Wings, and Beer Outfit and he thinks they...
I found my old 1993 average book and got to looking at some of the numbers. In 1993 there were 96,351 ATA members. The active members were...
I was talking to Ben Smith today and he wanted to know if I had heard that Dean Bright had closed up shop. Does anyone on here know if that is true...
I just learned that the Family Guy spent last night in the hospital with kidney stones. He was either at or on his way to the Cardinal Center to...
Someone that I know very well was at the Sparta Wal Mart this past week said that the Wal Mart there had pallets of trap loads. It was early in the...
I got word from the grand that Someone shot the car beside theirs in the parking lot at Sparta after thinking they were using an empty instead they...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] These pictures are from a neighbor kid who works for the border patrol, he has been an agent about 12 years....
Hey Joe I thought you were going to the OSTA meeting and ask the BIG question, and get the BIG answer. This is were I should tell you I told you so....
Because of the BLM, the lying MSM, and the PC police I don't watch sports on TV, the News, or any TV. (Fox included). I gave up ATA trap shooting I...
With all the news that is out there do any of you east coast trap shooters think that the ATA is headed in the fantastic direction that Lynn Gibson,...
[ATTACH] Dave Berlet and Ann in Manitoba Canada in the early 80's [ATTACH] A group of us hunting in Manitoba in the 80's
For anyone in the area the Lima Gun Show is tomorrow and Sunday at the Allen County Fair Grounds. It's the last one till Fall. They have 4...
Joe I hope this hunting forum works out, I used to post on facebook but pulled my page down because of their anti gun anti conservative ways. I...
WPT I don't know if you were running The Phoenix Trap & Skeet Club in 1978 or not but do remember the incident when a shooter's gun broke and shot...
Why did you block posting on the MTA thread that you say you made a mistake? I still couldn't post on that thread according to what I see. I would...
According to someone I know at the Cardinal Center Biden has issued an extinctive order that all shooting at the Cardinal Center is shut down until...
My dad died in 2001 and my mother last September. My sister and I are cleaning out their house and I found some 209 Nobel Primers that are at least...
Both the Ohio Senate and the Ohio House stood up for the people of Ohio and put some needed controls on The Little Dictator DeWine yesterday and...
Well it is so nice to see Karma bite someone in the ass, 5 Ohio State Basketball Players knelt for National Anthem before their game, then they took...
Every once in awhile I read something on the internet that makes me feel good. I going to start with Fellow Ohioan Josh Mandell who is running for...
I would hope that all on here are paying attention to the noise about what the Democrats are planning concerning gun owners, and now the talk about...
I don't know any of the details but I heard that CZ bought Colt.
I just read on Breitbart that the CDC is now recommending masks be worn inside and OUTSIDE whenever you are around people you don't live with. They...
This sure is an interesting time to be a gun and shooting person. I see pictures of people lined up to buy ammo that to me looks like a free...
I've heard talk that the ATA is making plans for a zoom grand this year because of the ammo shortage, rising gas prices, and of course COVID 19....
Separate names with a comma.