I ask this question as I shoot with George Van Riper he is from NJ and lives at the Silver Dollar now and is 100 years old. He told me he was the oldest man to reach the 27 yard line and I would like to find out for him if that is shown anywhere. He is in amazing health and has not shot in the last couple of years. I did go to PA with him for the PA state shoot about 10 years ago because he wanted to make the shoot as he shot it for 40 years and did n ot want to miss his 40th. We have so many great stories of members wanted to share this man as he is such a wonderful man. Told me growing up in the depression he delivered news papers 7 days a week for 5 cents and had to give it to his mother because they needed it to survive. He joined the army for WW II and was sent to Miami for training. He was a room mate of Clark Gable and Hank Greenberg a major league pitcher. Clark was a shooter and they got along like friends. The stories of Clark going out and coming home in a limo you know when he was home as the noise of the ladies and the bottles hitting the pavement when the door opened. Clark wanted George to go to Europe with him but George declined he wanted to learn how to work on airplanes. He got through mechanics school and was assigned a plane to service. The pilot was Lou Garoua who ended up in the NFL as Lou the Toe Garosa a kicker. George told me when he finished working on the plane and said it was ready he had to suit up and fly in the plane with the pilot I would think that was a good incentive to do quality work. I admire and respect and love this real American they don't make them like him anymore.
1 eye..............I always spend time with George the Riper during my 5 months in Fla each year. We have had many interesting chatts together in his golf cart or mine. Tell George I look forward in seeing him shortly at the Dollar and hope he is well...................DanntB
1 eye............I should LEARN to proof read my reply before sending; You and George know me as DannyB...sorry for the error
So how old was he when he was punched to the 27 yard line 100? Or did he reach the 27 earlier in age and he's still on the 27?
I thought Joe Spradley out of Illinois was the oldest first time punch to the 27. I'll see if I can find out for sure.
I will ask him it was some time ago as George has not shot in several years now it is painful to see how much he misses shooting
My older brother in the Navy at the time, around 1951 or so, was hich-hiking to my folks home in Northern California from Los Angeles when he was picked up by Clark Gable and another fellow. Gable took him all the way to my folk's front door.
What a great story and interesting life. The kicker's name is Lou "the toe" Groza, Cleveland Browns kicker in the 50's.