Do you notice vendors like White Flyer? And others?

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by harryone, Aug 14, 2020.

  1. harryone

    harryone Moderator Staff Member

    There are vendors out there that are always in the foreground and the background but often shooters in the sport are so darn entitled they don’t give a nod.

    Don’t you think we should stop by and say thanks at a shoot.

    And to the non registered shooters, take a look around. I think you can find a vendor or two that supports the industry.

    One of my rare rants. Harry
  2. HistoryBuff

    HistoryBuff US Navy Retired US Navy Retired Founding Member Forum Leader Official Historian Member State Hall of Fame

    Absolutely Yes !

    I used to do that at State & Zone Shoots and each year at the Grand. Vendors were very appreciative when a shooter would stop by to thank them for all they do.

    Many years ago when I was first elected as alternate state delegate, I attended the annual meeting on behalf of my state delegate who was unable to make the trip that year. I was told to go to the back of the room and pick up a small boxed item, provided each year for every ATA delegate. I never knew a vendor did this. It was a nice aluminum Wendell August about 3 or 4 inches in diameter.

    The following day I walked down to the vendor and said "I want to thank you for the gift you provided for each delegate."

    The vendor gasped and said something like, " Well, can you imagine that." I questioned his reaction after I explained that my parents taught me to say thank you when somebody did something nice for me.

    He went on to explain that he had been giving delegates a gift for many years and that I was only the second person to ever show appreciation and to thank him for his kindness. I apologized on behalf of all the other delegates.

    harryone, you've given us all a gentle reminder of something that is for the good of our sport.
    Thank you.

    Last edited: Aug 14, 2020
  3. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    I have always felt that without the Vendors the shoots would be a waste of time in many ways ... I have always had the greatest respect for the majority of vendors, there are always that few (very few) that are not as worth while ... I have bought and give away many of their trinkets over the years just to try and give a little support ... That is a hard way to make a living, for sure ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
  4. Jammer

    Jammer Moderator Founding Member

    Harryone, back in day I always made it a point to go to the Budweiser Tent and thank those buxom gals who were serving the beer! I would even on occasion offer them a special stipend. ;)
    wpt likes this.
  5. Family Guy

    Family Guy Mega Poster Founding Member

    Jammer....I think it was you that introduced me to the Bob Allen Gals. I re-visited and thanked them for their attendance often. ❤️
    BRAD DYSINGER, wpt and HistoryBuff like this.
  6. Don Cogan

    Don Cogan Bird Hunter Past OSTA President Founding Member

    During the time that Brad and myself were on the O.S.T.A. Board, the O.S.T.A. would give each vendor a current year Ohio State Shoot hat. The current year Pres. and V.P. would visit the vendors to give them the hat. It gave us the opportunity to thank them and show them that we appreciated their presence at the shoot. Shooters like to go to shoots where the most vendors are and the vendors certainly help drive attendance up. I hope this tradition is still going on.

    BRAD DYSINGER The Philosophist Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    Don as much as I'd like to claim that OSTA Vendor Hat idea it was started by Tad Johnson I think, or JT Evans or Clyde Findlay. Our board back then always had good things happening. Car or Motorcycle give away, free hog roast, kids fishing derby, ton of shoot give away, grudge match. Fun times. The one thing I refused to get behind was the corn hole championship, just didn't seem right to me.
    HistoryBuff and Don Cogan like this.
  8. Don Cogan

    Don Cogan Bird Hunter Past OSTA President Founding Member

    I don’t recall a cornhole tournament.....unless you are referring to the nightly drinking contest where they gave us each four little square bags? I never could figure out what those bags were for but I knew what the coolers were for! I believe you are correct that Tad started the hat tradition. I know we did that every year I was on the board.
    HistoryBuff and wpt like this.