My choke of choice is Full Choke at all yardages Why?

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by dr.longshot, May 11, 2015.

  1. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    I have always shot a full choke gun on all registered trap from day one? I want as much shot on the target as I can get, I don't want a loose pattern where a target can slip through. I am not a believer in a IMP MOD or LITE FULL, My Perazzi TM-1 was extra full .040+ .729 bore, it was a TM-1 Special.
    All my model 12s were full, all my 870s & 1100s were full, fixed full choke., My Caesar Guerini's were full choked tubes, sams as all my K-80s were full choked tubes, I never ever changed to a more open for singles. I pattern all my guns to a pattern I have saved for years, to be sure they pattern the same place, if they do not, the gun goes down the road. I want the tightest choke I can get for all my handicap shooting.
    I DO NOT LIKE TO SHOOT SINGLES. that is my choice, handicap is where perfection exists, 200 singles is an endurance test, and you shoot a lot of shells and do not make any money on them. 19-20 inch patterns at 35 yards are very attainable, I have proven this in my tests, where I used to live in my backyard. Shooting a full choke gets you accustomed to breaking targets HARD, and SMOKE to show you, you are centering the targets. That is what you want and strive to get., It's what is needed in handicap shooting.

    Gary Bryant Dr.longshot
    smoking357 likes this.
  2. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    How are you doing Gary ..? Hope all is well ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
  3. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    A hell of a lot better, stump is healing fast and good according to doctor, having a cast of stump being made May 21st for Prosthetic foot, it's hell being in wheelchair, and can't walk

  4. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    You'll be fine, glad you are feeling better and on the mend ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
  5. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    doing fine stump healing very good get cast made may 21st for orthotetic foot
  6. vanguard2015

    vanguard2015 Member Founding Member

    In Leo Harrison's instructional video, he says any choke is fine, as long as its "full".
    dr.longshot likes this.
  7. NordCelt

    NordCelt Member

    Just for the heck of it I've shot my tactical shotgun on the trap range and broke a lot of birds with a cylinder bore. The core of a pattern will tend to hold together even with looser chokes. Since the shotguns I have came with the ability to quickly and easily change chokes I use that option. I'd recommend others fairly new to the sport to do the same.

    When you reach the shooting proficiency Dr.Longshot or Leo Harrison has it may not matter and you can just leave the full choke in. But for newbies that need some success to stick with the sport I'd recommend mod for the 16 yd line and L Mod and I Mod if shooting doubles. A chip gives you the same score as a puff of dust. When you consistently get a puff of dust with a mod then tighten it up if you want to, particularly in practice shooting.
    fredoniarob and dr.longshot like this.
  8. fredoniarob

    fredoniarob Guest

    I started off with a full choke and have begun to experiment with loads and chokes. I have found that not all chokes, even within manufacturer, are at best inconsistent. Then add in different shot hardness, velocity, overboring, longer forcing cones.... i am a firm believer in patterning of your guns. I have a full choked 36" Remington 870 Barrel that patterns with nitro 7.5's tighter than most Turkey chokes and invector plus LIGHT MODIFIED that is tighter than its IMPROVE MODIFIED brother. Spending time patterning is well worth the time.
  9. 614shooter

    614shooter Member

    I'm very new to this game but I have shot my best scores with fixed full.
    dr.longshot likes this.