WOW! What an interesting read in the May/June issue of TRAPSHOOTINGUSA. Dan talks about the ''old days'' including the money and how much easier the ATA has made it for the Big Dogs. I liked what he said about today's shells vs the ''old stuff''. Best shells he ever shot were the old Winchester paper shells. To this day he still has cases of them. He said he shot some that were 20 years old in 1991 and broke 200x200. from the 27. Dan and I became friends back in those days, primarily cause we both resembled each other so much with the long hair and beards back in the day and I shot on the 27 also. One time at a Big money shoot a lady got Dan and I together to take our picture together. But the best one of all was at the Grand in Ohio when the local TV station set up directly behind me at one of the Caps, Went back to my room at the Red Roof Inn, and sure enough, there I was on the evening news... Glad they didn't interview me LOL. I had the pleasure to talk with Dan a few years back at the CC and we talked about the ''Old Days''. He even said he still has one of my gun cases I built for him over 30 years ago,
Met Dan many years ago in Vandalia and talked with him at Steve's place in Las Vegas, nice guy wealth of information ... I gave him one of the ever popular Magic Rocks that were floating around at the time, hope he still has it ... The man should be considered an Ambassador to trap shooting, always personable and friendly ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
He is the grumpiest gun representative I have talked too, he hurts Perazzi more than ever!!! Plus now he is an old fart that thinks the past is better, ugh
What's the matter, did he clean your wallet a few times? You need a bumper sticker that says ''I SUPPORT DAN BONILLAS.
You don’t know Dan very well or at all to make a statement like that about him I have known him for many years a nice and very personable man and a heck of a competitor. VERY disrespectful of you !!!
Agree with Brad, ATA for many years, ran a small successful club, traveled the country shooting for awhile, conclusion: trapshooters, with exceptions of course, are ***holes. The birds are too high, the birds are too low, the scorers are cheating me and on and on.