Since my wife is a professional seamstress, she is making hundreds of these respirator masks free of charge to our health care workers in our area.
People like her is what made this country great and people like her is what will "Make America Great" again.
Hey Charger, Does everything have to be an opportunity for you to make a political statement? For Christ's sake, can't someone do something for the public good without your political rhetoric? Get a life.
"Does everything have to be an opportunity for you to make a political statement?" ALMOST sounds like all the demorats doesn't it?
Thought I'd ask wife if she could make me a more shoot related mask. As in using a shot bag. After a good washing, cutting and then adding a cotton liner...Done.
To a degree, #8 shot bag within 6 feet, 7.5 shot bag after that. For extreme social distancing, copper 6's.
Sorry, but the cloth masks do nothing to stop the virus unless someone sneezes/coughs near you. The virus is too small to be filtered by anything but a N95 filter. Gaps around the nose will allow the virus to enter. Wash your hands and don't touch your face; been told to do for the past 50 years. Glenn, RN
I wish someone would have told that to the gov. of PA. Starting this Sunday, EVERYONE going out in public has to wear SOME TYPE of cover. Doesn't have to be a N95 or better mask. A bandana or scarf is fine. ??????????
Maybe he gets is information off of social media also. Just a 'comfort' measure for the masses. I think you should be able to do whatever you want, like not wearing a helmet on a motorcycle. Just sign a waiver so that when you get hurt you give up the privilege of medical care. Hope the clubs that decided to allow shooting follow suit. Sign up to be an organ donor!