Doug Braker Gun Dr incarcerated? Sex crimes? Mr. 90T?

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by green bead, Mar 11, 2020.

  1. green bead

    green bead Active Member

    Mods can remove if against the rules but I thought this was the proper place to post this. (open forum).

    Doug was the go to person on the 90T. He was employed at Kolar back in the day. I would like to hear more.

    He looks good in white.
  2. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    I'm pretty sure you can find all the info you seek from the same source you found the picture.

    I WILL say that this is a prime example of that idiom, Don't judge a book from its cover
  3. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    Nothing to do with this posting but Weinstein got 23 years this morning out of a possible 29 for sex crimes ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
  4. green bead

    green bead Active Member

    I got the info straight from the corrections department. I would say I can judge a book by its cover. That is not a prom picture.
  5. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader


    I can explain it for you if you like.
    dr.longshot and Passport like this.
  6. 10ga32

    10ga32 Active Member

    What naughty thing did he do?
  7. Family Guy

    Family Guy Mega Poster Founding Member

    This news makes me very uneasy. Doug was my go to gunsmith. He seemed to love his work. I have had several 90t’s and would call him regularly. Bottom line...he was tried by a jury of his peers.
    wpt likes this.
  8. Jammer

    Jammer Moderator Founding Member

    Douglas Wayne Braker, rural Backus, was sentenced Oct. 3 in Cass County District Court to 144 months in prison followed by a 10-year conditional release period after previously pleading guilty to first-degree criminal sexual conduct involving the sexual penetration of a minor, the Cass County Attorney's Office reported in a news release.

    According to a release from the Cass County Attorney’s Office, 58-year-old Douglas Wayne Braker pleaded guilty to the count, and several other criminal sexual conduct charges were dismissed.Court documents indicate that Braker’s victim was a minor between the ages of 13 and 16.
    wpt likes this.

    BRAD DYSINGER The Philosophist Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    Once a skeet shooter always a skeet shooter.
  10. BAMA

    BAMA Mega Poster

    Too bad, he did some work for me over the years. But, he knew the law, and he will pay the price for his crime. Rapist of little girls don't do well in the joint. They end up on the receiving end, if not worse.
    wpt likes this.
  11. Welther

    Welther Active Member

    Do you have an address I can send my 90t?
    DeadEye637 likes this.
  12. MCTS

    MCTS Mega Poster

    I Don't think prisoners can have guns...
  13. MCTS

    MCTS Mega Poster

    Now that is funny....
    DeadEye637 likes this.
  14. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    I started to laugh about that too. Until I thought about the kid and the parents and family.

    This guy was/is a predator plain and simple.

    I hope green bead got all the info he wanted. And, understands that the "cover" of the book was hiding what was really under it.
    Ga.trapshooter and wpt like this.
  15. rrisum

    rrisum Mega Poster

    The Minnesota Stillwater prison has a very strong mentor adult education program -- .Maybe he can volunteer to teach gun smithing --I'm sure he would fill a class.
  16. flywheel

    flywheel Member

    No, that is sick.
  17. lynch

    lynch Active Member

    Nobody gets easy time in prison. 144 months. The judge was serious about his crimes.
  18. Spanky

    Spanky Active Member

    ljutic329 and DeadEye637 like this.
  19. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    There are times on many occasions where someone confined to prison for crimes against children do not survive the length of their sentence for one reason or another, and they come out in a body bag ... It has been known to happen, even the convicts do not like people who mess with children or take advantage of children ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
  20. Spanky

    Spanky Active Member

    Oh well. He should have given that some thought.
  21. Jakearoo

    Jakearoo Mega Poster Forum Leader

    Sex crimes against minors is about the worst thing to go to prison for. The other inmates abuse, beat, rape and generally treat men convicted of those crimes more harshly and aggressively than those that commit any other crime.
    His time will not be pleasant. And, no matter what kind of time off he may get for whatever reason, he is going to serve a long sentence with 144 months on the charge.
    It must have been pretty ugly for the judge to impose that sentence.
    Roger Coveleskie, wpt and BAMA like this.
  22. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    Lancaster, Ohio Sex Predator survived less than 90 Days in Prison, I was one of the searchers for this young girl found in attic wrapped in Fiberglass roll alive.

    wpt likes this.
  23. Charger

    Charger Active Member

    What a shame, I'm sorry to hear about him, He was an excellent gunsmith. He was the shop foreman at Kolar and when I visited there he gave me a tour of the place and was very friendly.
  24. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    Not making light of this guys situation in ANY way but when I saw your sign on name and thought of this guy and where he was I couldn't help thinking of the movie Papillion.
  25. Lost

    Lost Member

    The only person to feel bad for was his victim. He was a big boy and made the decisions that led to this incarceration. It's too bad he didn't have the mindset to live his life as a law abiding citizen but instead chose to be a predator. No one would wish this on any kid because it scars them for life. At his age his life is over and there's no one to blame than himself. What a waste of the good life he had and the talent. He'll never touch another gun even if he lives long enough to ever be free again.
    wpt likes this.
  26. harryone

    harryone Moderator Staff Member

    Bump. Requested information.
  27. ljutic329

    ljutic329 Mega Poster Founding Member

    scum bag meets Bubba.

    Bubba wins.
    firewater likes this.
  28. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    I give him a max of 90 days to live in prison before inmates take care of him, child molesters don't live very long in prison!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Guards turn their heads and do not see anything, or report anything.

  29. Union Strong

    Union Strong Mega Poster

    He has been there a long time doc.