I was sent this "quote" from a member that still visits other sites. I wonder if this booger eating moron checked with the ED before he posted something this stupid. "Illinois screwed the pooch & lost the SCTP to Cardinal. so what." Hey jackwagon, if it wasn't so important he wouldn't have offered FREE TARGETS to get them to come back. No SCTP.?...SO WHAT? All those THOUSANDS of targets the kids were forced to register GONE?......SO WHAT Getting in bed with a crooked governor and left holding the bag?......SO WHAT GAH numbers that are THOUSANDS LESS than before the move?....SO WHAT GAH numbers that are THOUSANDS LESS than before the move?....SO WHATI typed that one twice because it is such a damn shame Visiting a hof buiding that is owned BY THE STATE?......SO WHAT Forced to pay an extra fee to help pay for said building?...…..SO WHAT Bestowing a "gift" of a very expensive gun to the outgoing president?....SO WHAT Paying more for an office building than they should have?....SO WHAT Finding out through this site about Pull2012LLC?......So WHAT Yeah you keep telling yourself SO WHAT. When you find out they have to move again and you are crying about it I can tell you that my response will be, SO WHAT And to the half wit that answered his post with They'll fade away soon enough" You probably should have first asked how long we have been here so you didn't look so dumb. The prediction was 30 days wasn't it? And last but not least. To the guy that really can't stand the fact that we are still here and is one of the first to bad mouth all of us and call this site the "dark side". Being a member of this site is like being AA27AA but not acting like a jerk off. You jerk off!
You asked so here ya go According to the 2018 National Milk Producers Foundation Championship Cheese Contest Illinois had a pretty good showing Best Cottage Cheese.....Carbondale IL...…..1st Place Cottage Cheese.....Quincy, IL...……..3rd Place Reduced Fat Cottage Cheese.....Carbondale, IL. 1st place Hoped this helped
If I did that the admin guys would send me a nice note telling me that I couldn't call them what I did and they had to delete it. It got the response I wanted from them. They can't help telling anyone that surfs around shooting sites about our "dark side". It's like having a sales force that works for nothing. I guess I COULD offer them free targets but that just reminds them of the SCTP LOSS and I wouldn't want to do that. MUCH!
Right, not MUCH!!!!!!! (up their nose with a garden hose!) [I'm not allowed to use the one that rhymes with grass]
I had a "Salesman of the Month" award all lined up but the winner has to have an IQ higher than 44 so that ruled the guy out. Damn shame too because the guy is THE #1 salesman for our site. He can't help himself. He evens tells prospective members our names in case they want to talk to us directly. If he was only a little bit brighter. The good news is will be able to keep trying for the award. He thought we would only be here 30 days and it's been what? 4 years?