COURAGE written by a shooter "Henry N. Burguardt" February 11th, 1932

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by Big Jack, Feb 22, 2015.

  1. Big Jack

    Big Jack Well-Known Member Founding Member

    When the last clay bird is shot at and you are walking from the line.
    Perhaps a new born champion or just one more behind. Don't take the score too serious if you've really done your best. But keep your head and chin up and smile just like the rest.

    The scores of life weren't everything nor the ballyhoo and such. The way you went to battle and your conduct counts for much. It's not the trophies you garnered as you played the game. The fact you were a sportsman that will bring you fame.

    The trophies soon will tarnish and the purse is quickly spent. The way you waged the battle and the helping hand you lent will count more in the reckoning that will come along some day. And the memories you must live with will help you on your way.

    So shoot each string the best you can and play the game full square. Just do as you would have others do, earn a word from those who care. Then whether you come out high gun or just an also-ran,

    Your heart is light, your soul's at peace you've done the best you can.

    GW22, Michael McGee and KAC like this.
  2. Smithy

    Smithy Mega Poster Founding Member

    Hi Big-Jack

    Thanks for sharing that. It is unfortunate we have someone like the above that doesn't respect the site.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 23, 2015
  3. That was awesome. I just started to shoot again after 25 years off. I watched an old friend of mine who was a aa27 yd. shooters shoot who has parkinson disease shoot a 23 last weekend, if that doesn't give you inspiration to shoot as long as you can and enjoy it I don't know what would.