New Site New Year

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by Dave Berlet, Jan 8, 2015.

  1. Dave Berlet

    Dave Berlet State HOF Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    Glad to see a new site. I just can't seem to get excited about trapshooters .com since it went to its new format. Also it seemed to me that everyone was not treated equally. I am hoping that this site go'es well and I am looking forward to joining in on some discussions.

    BRAD DYSINGER The Philosophist Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    Hi Dave, I miss all the stirring we used to do on tsc, had some fun. Maybe some of those guys will come over hear and play, although they won't have the ATA cover they enjoyed over there. Brad
    John Trap and Flyersarebest like this.
  3. Don Cogan

    Don Cogan Bird Hunter Past OSTA President Founding Member

    Now Brad, you know I'm watching you and waiting to jump on you should you start bad mouthing the ATA. Is that what you meant by "ATA cover"?

  4. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    Brad and Dave it is nice to see you guys on here, post some interesting things, especially the way it used to be.
  5. biggun 682

    biggun 682 Active Member Founding Member

    I feel a lot better knowing don is keeping a eye on dysinger!
  6. Don Cogan

    Don Cogan Bird Hunter Past OSTA President Founding Member

    biggun 682,
    Keeping an eye on Brad is darn near a full time job! Of course it's a bit easier to find him now that some high ranking officials of a shooting organization tried to silence him by burning up his truck! CONSPIRACY THEORY ALERT!

    MODERATOR 1 likes this.
  7. Dave Berlet

    Dave Berlet State HOF Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    When Brad told me about his truck he blamed Obama.
    MODERATOR 1 likes this.
  8. Don Cogan

    Don Cogan Bird Hunter Past OSTA President Founding Member

    The "Obama Theory" can't be ruled out at this time. However, the offending Obama bumper sticker was the only thing that survived the fire. Could have been BigDon while on his way south to the Dollar? Could have been an Ex-ATA official but I would have to draw you a chart or graph to list all of those guys.

    Flyersarebest and MODERATOR 1 like this.
  9. biggun 682

    biggun 682 Active Member Founding Member

    with brads detailed maintenance record and always babying his vehicles I wonder what went wrong!
    Don Cogan likes this.
  10. Don Cogan

    Don Cogan Bird Hunter Past OSTA President Founding Member

    Brad and the word maintenance in the same sentence. Now that's funny right there! After a bit of thought I've been able to rule out BigDon as the culprit. Ever the gentleman, if Don had torched Brad's truck he would not have just ran off without at least stopping for a visit with Ann and a cup of coffee. After all, everyone loves Ann! The Government theory is gaining traction. Within a week or two of Brad's truck burning up there was a fiery head on traffic collision and a plane mysteriously fell out of the sky. All right near Brads place. Could be govt. satellites shooting lasers at Brad?

  11. biggun 682

    biggun 682 Active Member Founding Member

    a senator and a congressmen hunting the bottom and a government conspiracy theory. sounds plausible but I am not ruling out big don just yet
    Family Guy likes this.
  12. Clipperite

    Clipperite Well-Known Member

    Hmmmm. Strange that we haven't seen Big Don since the fire.
  13. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    I'm surprised they didn't find a brick in with all the burnt remains.

  14. LimaShooter50

    LimaShooter50 Mega Poster Founding Member

    What makes you think there wasn't a brick at the scene?
    Hmmmm? Just wondering.
  15. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    Someone better check CC to see if there is one missing

  16. Family Guy

    Family Guy Mega Poster Founding Member

    I think we can rule out grntitan. I don't think he has ever left Illinois.
  17. Smithy

    Smithy Mega Poster Founding Member

    Were there any broken really high up?
  18. Family Guy

    Family Guy Mega Poster Founding Member

    Flyer is this the brick they should be looking for?

  19. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    How did they get it back in there?

    Boy, there's a name that brings back some good memories right below it. I had the privilege of knowing Tony. Shot a few targets with him over the years.

  20. Mack Truck 6

    Mack Truck 6 Member

    Brick------I heard the tall guy will show up if you get rid of that picture.
  21. Smithy

    Smithy Mega Poster Founding Member

    Any truth to the rumor that a hat with the letter "M" on the front was found hanging from a high limb.
  22. TNCoach

    TNCoach Member

    Well here goes post #1
  23. Wishbone

    Wishbone Mega Poster

    Welcome aboard
  24. TNCoach

    TNCoach Member

    Thank you it already feels like home.
  25. Smithy

    Smithy Mega Poster Founding Member

    What do you coach....and nice to see you post!
  26. TNCoach

    TNCoach Member

    I started out coaching my son's 4-H team then migrated into the ATA and found a great mentor in Keith Heeg.

    We found a second home at the Cardinal just live too far away.
  27. 1in20

    1in20 Member

    Thanks for the new site!
  28. oldphart

    oldphart Mega Poster Founding Member

    With the nearby traffic collisions and planes falling out of the sky are there any birds left at Brad's to shoot, hope everything is not scared off.