shotkam and registered shoots

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by scorpion33, Oct 22, 2018.

  1. scorpion33

    scorpion33 Member

    Is it ok to use a shotkam at an ATA registered shoot?
  2. TF1

    TF1 Active Member Founding Member

    I can't see why not. That being said if it somehow were to be a distraction to other shooters then the disrupting of the harmony of the shoot might be stretched to cover its use. I couldn't see that happening but you never know.
  3. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    With all the add on combs, adjustable ribs, and extended adjustable butt plates that make some guns look like erector sets, I don't think a small camera mounted under a barrel would upset anyone.

    Just don't tap it on the concrete if it doesn't work correctly.
  4. Ron Burdick

    Ron Burdick Well-Known Member Founding Member

    I shoot registered events with one on frequently. Most shooters ask me if it is a barrel weight or some type of a recoil reducer.

    Ron Burdick
  5. rookieshooter

    rookieshooter Mega Poster Forum Leader

    Hmm, now you got me thinking? Being my pedestal red dot is mounted 13'' above barrel, i could mount Shotkam on top of barrel so it would be as if your looking straight down barrel. Again, Hmm.
  6. grizquad

    grizquad Well-Known Member Founding Member

    I use mine on occasion at small shoots if I am having an issue before a big shoot. Doesn't bother anyone as it is all automatic once you press the on button.
    NOW if you want to get your phone or I pad out and review your shot while shooting, THAT would be a distraction, LOL
    rookieshooter likes this.
  7. Ed Yanchok

    Ed Yanchok Well-Known Member Founding Member

    I don't think that a replay would over ride a scorers decision with reference to a lost target.

    Ed Yanchok
  8. rookieshooter

    rookieshooter Mega Poster Forum Leader

  9. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    I think grizquad was thinking more along the lines of reviewing the shot to see WHY it was missed not IF it was missed.

    As far as over riding a scorers call? Right now if a target is called lost and 1 or 2 other people say it was hit the scorer has been known to change the sheet haven't they?

    Shooter on post 4 calls and shoots.
    Scorer, LOST
    Shooters on post 1, DEAD BIRD
    Shooter on post 2, I SAW A PIECE
    Scorer, OK, DEAD BIRD

    Hell, I've seen squads where everyone watching knew the guy missed but 2 of his buddies said they saw a piece and the scorer changed the sheet.

    What's the difference? I'm not advocating everyone using cameras or that they should be on every field but if someone happens to have one on their gun and they do want to challenge a call, why not "take a look at the film" as they say.

    Yes Sir, I can see from your video that you did indeed take a chip out of the back of that target but I called it lost so it's a lost target. Oh, and I'm really sorry if that target I called lost by mistake cost you money in winnings. My Bad!

    Now, if you are using one and challenge, and it turns out you DID miss it, then you lose 2 targets for getting it wrong and wasting everyone's time.

    Scorer after reviewing the video, I told you it was lost, what do ya think I was doing sitting up there in that chair, texting on my phone? You moved the gun before you saw the target, raised your head, stopped the gun, and shot behind it. OK, that's a one target penalty plus the one you missed for holding up the squad and the shoot.
    Squad ready? Next shooter ready? Everybody looking? I'm going to throw a free one so you all can get your heads back in the game and hopefully I won't have to get back out of this chair .

    mudpack and Wildcat Lewis like this.
  10. Krieghoff-80

    Krieghoff-80 Well-Known Member

    That was by all means a bad situation, but your comment made me laugh. All in all still good advice.
  11. Garry

    Garry Mega Poster

    With all the big money available at the ATA shoots, I am sure instant reply is on the EC agenda.