us open 2018 entries

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by dr.longshot, May 31, 2018.

  1. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    event #1 108

    event #2 116

    event #3 90

    event #4 154

    event #5 156

    event #6 135

    Is it by 35 % you decide compare event entries from last yuear

  2. N1H1

    N1H1 Mega Poster Founding Member

    Wow, that's amazing, Gary! Where did you get those numbers?

  3. LimaShooter50

    LimaShooter50 Mega Poster Founding Member

    We have numbers like that in a simple meat shoot in Ohio.
    Flyersarebest likes this.
  4. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    You don't know where to find those numbers? What's so "amazing "? That the good Dr. knew where to find them or that it shows that a few more people decided to go to that place in Il.

    Dysinger was right again on his assessment of you.
    History Seeker likes this.
  5. Par4

    Par4 Well-Known Member

    I do not know anything about actual US Open numbers. I seem to recall something about a possible move to establish a minimum points factor proposition with the elimination of the customary attendance boundaries. I suspect the proposition suggests the desireability to improve attendence. Was the proposition implemented and did it work?
  6. SmellyDog

    SmellyDog Active Member

    Event 1. 2017. 86
    2018. 108
    Event 2. 2017. 92
    2018. 116
    Event 3. 2017. 68
    2018. 90
    Event 4. 2017 148
    2018. 154
    Event 5. 2017. 139
    2018. 156
    Event 6. 2017. 115
    2018. 135

    2017 entries thru 6 events, 648
    2018 entries thru 6 events, 759

    Difference, 111 more in 2018, so far.
  7. Garry

    Garry Mega Poster

    Old Goat 2 likes this.
  8. oleolliedawg

    oleolliedawg Mega Poster Founding Member

    I remember running 50 100 target squads on a typical Sunday at out little 6-trap club in PA many years ago. Is this what ATA trapshooting has evolved into?
  9. HistoryBuff

    HistoryBuff US Navy Retired US Navy Retired Founding Member Forum Leader Official Historian Member State Hall of Fame

    On another thread it was rumored that "650 pre-squaded last year for the U.S. Open....with 950 pre-squaded so far this year.....but, again, this is rumor or wild guess."

    I believe source of the rumor or wild guess significantly inflated their numbers. I would estimate last year's pre-squad number would be less than 300. ATA reports show the total number of shooters last year's U.S. Open at 536. The total number of competitors shooting in one or more of the three championship events was reported at 469.

    If half of last year's shooters pre-squadded ( I think 50% (half) is probably a high estimate), the number would be about 268. A 35% increase in pre-squadding this year over last, would be about 362 early sign-ups.

    If the rumored 35% increase in pre-squadding equates to attendance and is a correct prediction, reports will show about 724 shooters this year.

    Now I've fallen into the "rumor or wild guess" game, myself, but it would probably be best if we wait to see the actual numbers this year since most forum members prefer factual information.

  10. SmellyDog

    SmellyDog Active Member

    I guess one could look at posted scoresheets and count all the names that posted scores and backcheck that to posted event entries.
    I really don't see what it matters how many shooters show up and shoot for any given shoot, no matter where it's held.
    In my opinion, we should be happy people are showing up for shoots, regardless the location.
    Old Goat 2 likes this.
  11. HistoryBuff

    HistoryBuff US Navy Retired US Navy Retired Founding Member Forum Leader Official Historian Member State Hall of Fame

    The number of entries are often at the top of the over all score tallies. But one could count them if they wish.

    It doesn't matter to me. I was merely attempting to interject, for readers, the actual numbers provided by the ATA. But the number of entries does matter to shoot management. Its a gauge of success, it determines the ATA point factor, etc.

    I am happy that people are showing up for shoots, regardless of location. However, in the case of the 2017 U. S. Open, not many ventured from other States. If I've counted correctly, about 361 shooters resided in IL; 78 from MO; 24 from KY & IN; 21 from TN; 8 from IA; 3 from AR & NE and 1 shooter from FL, KS, MS, TX and WI

    I think it is probable that there will be more out-of-state shooters this year. But then again, it really doesn't matter to me as long as everyone has an enjoyable time partaking in a great sport.

    Old Goat 2 and SmellyDog like this.
  12. oleolliedawg

    oleolliedawg Mega Poster Founding Member

    Given the attendance figures at an ATA shoot last weekend we've got plenty to be alarmed with. That shoot once drew nearly 65 squads for the 200 Singles event and actually held the State shoot years ago. Last Sunday a grand total of 4 squads made an appearance. It was pitiful at best. Other local ATA shoots last weekend drew similarly. Plenty of factors involved but the death knell for local ATA shoots is sounding loudly.
  13. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    N1H1: I got the exact Info from the ATA's own website, Go to shoot ATA and look, it is an increase of 8.5%

  14. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    Hey Gary, NEWS FLASH, nun-hun, or n1h1 as he calls himself, AKA Neil Winston, a REAL trapshooter, knew EXACTLY where you got those numbers before he asked.
  15. N1H1

    N1H1 Mega Poster Founding Member

    Gosh, Flyers, I thought no one could use real names around here. In fact, that's why I had to change my sign-on name. Or has that policy changed?

    No, I didn't know where Longhshot was getting those numbers; that's why I asked. I was misled by the term he used, "entries," which I took to refer to pre-squadding but I see that means "number of shooters" or "attendance" as used here and I agree.

    However, I can't see where Longshot gets just an 8.5% increase; as I look at it it seems like a lot more than that. 20+% seems more like a reasonable estimate.

  16. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    Well gosh, gee willikers, and Shazam. I don't know if something had changed or not neil. Why don't you ask an administrator?

    I do know that something's haven't changed. You TRYING to be "witty" or funny on that other site by taking a swipe at this one comes to mind.

    …"and they are going to top that with their flyer-like shoot on Labor Day somewhere anyway, so who cares about the damn Open and...


    Maybe someone told you to change your name because they couldn't stand to even READ your real name.

    Just sayin. . . .

    Dysinger's assessment of you should be a banner on here, or at least a sticky.
  17. just joe

    just joe Administrator Staff Member

    Now that is funny. That is almost back to the future....but wrong!!!! See if I got it right.

    As you brought it up we can do a brief review. First you complained doc was violating your privacy by referring to you by name.

    Later you posted some crapola that was so bad you even thought it was stupid. And then overnight you attempted to remove all your posts. All of them. You said it was because the forum was not allowed to have your real name.

    You logged in using a fake username. And signed your real name.

    But, miraculously all those stupid posts re-appeared in the morning. Isn't technology great!!!!

    I really like your posts. Gives me a chuckle. What is your real name? Just kidding. Don't want to know.

    Those were the days. Glad you all are here.

    just joe

    Last edited: Jun 2, 2018
  18. N1H1

    N1H1 Mega Poster Founding Member

    What I was talking about, Joe, is this rule:

    "Do not use or disclose personal names of members unless they are in the public eye."

    Clearly I am not "in the public eye," and I think Flyer is violating your rule and my privacy by using my name. I have the same right to anonymity as Flyer, after all, and even you, Joe.

  19. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    OK, I won't tell anyone your "real" name that doesn't know it already.

    How's this?

    To anyone that doesn't know who a guy named neil winston is and what he did to screw up the ata you are going to have to look it up yourself.
    You can search posts by HOF trapshooter Dysinger to get a good start.

    Can I copy and paste any or all the derogatory comments about this site that were made on another site by this not to be named person?
  20. N1H1

    N1H1 Mega Poster Founding Member

    Go ahead, Flyer. Just don't use my name, OK? It's against the rules.

  21. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    No problem
    All I'll be doing is copying any digs or backhanded remarks you make about us or this site that have your name on them.
    It's not against the rules if people read the name YOU put on the net.
  22. N1H1

    N1H1 Mega Poster Founding Member

    Since this thread is about attendance at the 2018 US Open at Sparta and comparisons with other years, as of today about 100 more shooters than the previous record have taken part and there are still two event to go! A record year for sure!

    SmellyDog likes this.
  23. Family Guy

    Family Guy Mega Poster Founding Member

    Two years ago the forum caught the ATA publishing false numbers about the grand attendance. The fake numbers were off by 50%. A miniscule retraction was made. Then there was the ATA giving the media attendance numbers. It was reported there were 15,000 camping and another 15,000 in motels during prelims. No correction made but the media was embarassed.

    It is unfortunate continued instances like this leave a cloud of distrust.
    Flyersarebest and wpt like this.
  24. SmellyDog

    SmellyDog Active Member

    So, what's this got to do with this thread? I don't get the correlation.
    Explain please.
  25. N1H1

    N1H1 Mega Poster Founding Member

    That's easily checked, FG. The names of the shooters are on the website. You also have access to the shooter information center and can check, in due time, if some "attendees" were not really there. I doubt you will find any, but it might be a project you would enjoy.

    A decade or more ago, an EC member arm-wrestled the BOD into changing the penalty-classification set-up at the Grand American. Gone were the 2-year requirements and the attendant high target numbers. Also, rather than specifying a specific class in singles and doubles, like "B," the shooter would be moved up one class at the discretion of the handicap committee.

    The US Open program reverted to the old system and you can see the outcome at the lower end of the singles championship results. There you find a bunch of mostly sub-junior shooters totally doomed in class B for no good reason I can see beyond the convenience of shoot management. As I look I can't see a single case in which a penalized singles shooter was near to doing half-well in the class in which he or she shot. What better way to discourage new shooters in their first "big shoot?" Who and what are they afraid of?

    Why didn't they just copy the Grand American program rather then searching their memories for the "way we'd always done it," I wonder.

  26. Garry

    Garry Mega Poster

  27. N1H1

    N1H1 Mega Poster Founding Member

    My guess is that after today's events there will have been 2527 shooters for an increase from last year of 22%.

    Any bets?

  28. Family Guy

    Family Guy Mega Poster Founding Member

    Yes....I will take the bet. You are on for $50.00. There will not be 2527 shooters. But you wont pay. Let's see.
  29. Family Guy

    Family Guy Mega Poster Founding Member

    There might be that many entries. Get ready to send the money.
  30. Family Guy

    Family Guy Mega Poster Founding Member

    Or do you want to make the bet for more? That way you remember this. Either way, we will all watch the big results. How about a graph? The graph should show how much my income went up and stupidity on the other axis. Make it colorful so we can see that as stupidity goes up so does my income.
  31. Family Guy

    Family Guy Mega Poster Founding Member

    Check or cash to

    PO Box 660
    Salem, OH 44460

    I am sure the forum can get me the money.
  32. N1H1

    N1H1 Mega Poster Founding Member

    Pick a number as I did, FG - any number at all - and you are on.

    Heck, I'll even take 2527 or more and give you 2526 or fewer if you prefer that.

    Fifty dollars will be fine.

  33. Family Guy

    Family Guy Mega Poster Founding Member

    NO......the bet is there will be fewer than 2527 "shooters".
  34. Family Guy

    Family Guy Mega Poster Founding Member

    Don't change the bet.
  35. Family Guy

    Family Guy Mega Poster Founding Member

    If every entry represented a different shooter you may be close to that number, may even exceed it.
  36. STaT mAn STaN

    STaT mAn STaN Mega Poster

    Nearly all statisticians are men of integrity. I am sure N1H1 will pay if there is less than 2527 shooters. In the event there are close to 2,000 new shooters participating today, FG will be out $50. Lightning will strike me before there are 2,000 new shooters in one event at Sparta this weekend.
  37. N1H1

    N1H1 Mega Poster Founding Member

    Changing what bet, FG? I wrote

    "Any bets?"

    I thought there might be some worth considering. Yours isn't.

    Old Goat 2 likes this.
  38. Family Guy

    Family Guy Mega Poster Founding Member offered. Bet taken. $50. Got integrity or just stupid talk? I am willing to put 2 more zeros on another bet but as is I doubt I will get the $50.
  39. Family Guy

    Family Guy Mega Poster Founding Member

    Get the pen out write the check for your dumb ass bet. Or are you still holding out on 2,000 new shooters in today's handicap event?
  40. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    Back in the Golden days of trap shooting, as the late great Roger Smith used to call them, we held a yearly 500 bird marathon. 5 traps, and we could handle 9 full squads very comfortably. Always had a waiting list in case someone had to drop out or didn't want the whole 500.

    So, we had 45 "shooters" signed up each "shooting" 5 events
    I guess we could have claimed we had 225 "shooters "
    But that would have been LIE. And anyone claiming we had 225 "shooters" would be an ass
    wpt and Family Guy like this.
  41. rickyd

    rickyd Active Member

    N1H1 you are disappointing me.

  42. N1H1

    N1H1 Mega Poster Founding Member

    Agreed, Flyer. I guess that's why the US Open specifies "shooters" for the events, "attendance" for the total count of entries in each event.

  43. N1H1

    N1H1 Mega Poster Founding Member

    What's the bet. rickyd? Take your choice of either I offered FG. Or propose another reasonable one.

  44. rickyd

    rickyd Active Member

    It looks like you owe FG 50. Silly bet.
  45. Family Guy

    Family Guy Mega Poster Founding Member

    The ATA tried the silly counting scam two years ago. Shooters is for an event. Not all the events counting every entry as a separate shooter. Who thought you had the integrity to pay up?
    wpt likes this.
  46. N1H1

    N1H1 Mega Poster Founding Member

    Can't anyone here read? I wrote: "Any bets?"

    That's a question, not a promise to enter into a bet.

    I'm still waiting for a reasonable offer.

  47. Family Guy

    Family Guy Mega Poster Founding Member


    Give me a graph of that. As demand for integrity goes up ..... actual integrity goes down.
    or as demand for honesty goes up ..... actual honesty goes down.

    Get your crayons out.
  48. N1H1

    N1H1 Mega Poster Founding Member

    FG: "The ATA tried the silly counting scam two years ago. Shooters is for an event. Not all the events counting every entry as a separate shooter. "

    Isn't that the way it's done now? Why do I have to explain things like that to you and Flyer, FG? Are you both afraid to even click on the ATA website or something? It's not contagious; really, it's not. And you might find it's interesting. It's about trapshooting.

  49. Family Guy

    Family Guy Mega Poster Founding Member

    How about a graph showing that as integrity demand goes up actual integrity goes down. Or as demand for honesty goes up actual honesty goes down.

    Welcher....Another lifetime achievement award. Right up there with you getting that lifetime achievement award for being instrumental in removing the sport from trapshooting.

    Are you as proud of that award as you are welching out on the bet?
    wpt likes this.
  50. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    2527 what? SHOOTERS is the way I read it.
    wpt likes this.
  51. KS33

    KS33 Active Member

    What was Dysinger's assessment?
    Flyersarebest likes this.
  52. N1H1

    N1H1 Mega Poster Founding Member

    You are right, Flyer. I should have written "attendance" as the ATA does or "entries" as R. J. Stuart does, not "shooters". I regret the error.

  53. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    You don't have to explain anything about trap shooting to me or anyone on this site. Most of us had shot our first Trap targets and our first registered targets long before you ever came calling.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2018
  54. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    Just add it to the long list of things you should regret when it comes to the ata
  55. Family Guy

    Family Guy Mega Poster Founding Member

    At least it wont cost you much:

    PO Box 660
    Salem, OH 44460


    and I plan to remove that welcher part.... as you are a man of integrity. :)
  56. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    The ata using attendance is also misleading. Normal for them but none the less misleading.

    When we held that marathon we had 45 shooters. If someone asked, "How was the attendance ?" The answer would be, We were full, 45 shooters. NOT, we were full we had 225 shooters.

    If there was shoot somewhere that had 10 events and 100 shooters showed up and shot every event, you still only had 100 shooters.

    How many attended the shoot?

    UHHH, 1000, yeah, that's it, 1000, that's the ticket
  57. SmellyDog

    SmellyDog Active Member

    Hope all this BS between N1H1 and Family Guy doesn't count on overall site traffic!
    What a threadkiller,
    But posts are up!
  58. N1H1

    N1H1 Mega Poster Founding Member

    Total entries in the 2018 US Open held at the WSRC in Sparta, Illinois: 2631.

    Percentage increase over entries in the same program in 2017: 27%

    Old Goat 2 likes this.
  59. Old Goat 2

    Old Goat 2 Active Member

    Good News! A lot better than 2,527! Regards, Ed
  60. STaT mAn STaN

    STaT mAn STaN Mega Poster

    2631 and to that they needed three more events added.

    2631 entries divided by the 13 events = around 200 entries per events.

    PA and Ohio has around that many people in meat shoots.

    The most exciting event is N1H1 trying to explain why he is not paying the $50 he owes.
  61. N1H1

    N1H1 Mega Poster Founding Member

    STaT, I suspect you to don't dare click on the ATA website just as so many here. Really, it's safe. You won't catch anything.

    To help you underSTand I wrote "Percentage increase over entries in the same program in 2017: 27%"

    By that I meant that the number of events was the same. There were not "three more events added." There were 13 both years.

    Old Goat 2 likes this.
  62. STaT mAn STaN

    STaT mAn STaN Mega Poster

    Cripes thats good. I wont catch anything. As long as the chances are less than fair that I wont catch the narcissistic ass attitude you have that seems to lead to utter stupidity. It is rare someone makes a bet on a public forum that exposes senility.

    Re-reading your post where you fail to comprehend the difference between the statistics of the number of shooters vs the statistics relating to the number of entries shows much about your brain function or lack of it.

    Even then after you realize your mistake you fail to do the right thing.

    The stats remain the same.........around 200 entries on average per event.

    And.......there was close to 2000 fewer shooters than your bet number. I am sure your brain functioned well once. Not now.

    I am sure you are angry. Pay FG the $50 you owe. The assessment by Dysinger is 90% correct. jmho
    just joe likes this.
  63. Jakearoo

    Jakearoo Mega Poster Forum Leader

  64. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    If the 2 of them were the only posters talking about this and someone asked you how many posters chimed in on the subject what number would you use?
    SmellyDog likes this.
  65. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    I had a few experiences with one of the shooters many years ago, he used to post responses then remove, modify, or delete them when they were contested or challenged and claim he never posted such a thing ... Many people had faith in what this person said because it was usually confirmed and backed up with a few charts, graphs, pictures, balistics, etc and so on ... This happened a few times and rather than argue and or debate the point I made a folder for postings by this one certain particular shooters threads ... It didn't take long and he must of figured out what was happening when a post came back and bit him a few times ... This was just in case and for when he would deny posting something and then recant on same ... I had many, (way to many ) retractions, deletions,and denials that I got to the point where I eventually blocked this particular shooter rather than bother with him in any way, shape, or form ... Stupid is what stupid does and now he won't pay up on a $50 bet ..? Integrity is worth a lot more than $50.00 (reputation) to most people (key word : MOST) but not so to others ... It has been years since I had to be subjected to any of this persons rants, raves, and snide remarks ... I was told but its only a rumor he never got picked for a team in school because they didn't want to lose the Water boy ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
  66. Bat

    Bat Mega Poster

    Geez guys, realize you can't ever satisfy everyone about this. Saying "shooters" catches flack as noted above. Saying "entries," I think would get the same response since entries can differ from actual shooters. IMO, "entries" is probably the best term to use, as most people familiar with the game know what it means. And that serves for most purposes, some better than others though.

    There is no way to state the numbers and not be open to someone else claiming it meant something else. Shooters and entries are basically interchangeable in some situations, and not in others. Much ado about nothing.
    Jakearoo likes this.
  67. STaT mAn STaN

    STaT mAn STaN Mega Poster

    Of course they are not interchangeable.

    A successful U.S. Open would have had 2600 shooters. It may have had 500 shooters. What educated person other than N1H1 and Bat does not understand the difference?

    A successful U.S. Open would have had 2000 entries per event. Instead it had an average of 200. What educated person other than N1H1 and Bat does not understand the difference?
  68. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    When and if all else fails add up the entries for X number of years and make that the total so it looks better to the peons who don't know any better ... The WSRC is a failure any way you look at it, it is not one of the ATA's better moves, but they are not convinced of that just yet ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
    Flyersarebest likes this.
  69. Bat

    Bat Mega Poster


    I know your reading comprehension must be better than that, so I guess you just are being adversarial. Still would be nice if you quoted what I said instead of only the portions of a sentence you want to take out of context.

    Even though I pointed out they are not interchangable for some purposes (think shoot attendance if you need help figuring it), I think you are living in a cave if you think shooters don't use the terms incorrectly at times. But, quite often we can still figure out what the other person was talking about from the context of what they wrote or said. Sometimes not ... but this thread is fairly easy to determine what was meant. Of course, if you are not looking for discussion, and only argument, you can nit-pick informal writing on a thread and twist someone's intent.

    What's the big deal? From whats posted here the Open is up over last year and the Buckeye down. Big Deal. It is much easier for the Open to show a larger percentage increase since it is a smaller shoot. I'm glad its up, that's no knock on the Buckeye, unless you are looking for it.
  70. SmellyDog

    SmellyDog Active Member

    Besides the US Open last week there were several other larger shoots going on.
    I looked at RJ Stuart and Shootscoreboard and besides the
    US Open the Alabama State Shoot, the Copper City Classic in Montana, the Buckeye in Ohio and the Oklahoma State Shoot were all last week.
    That's a lot of people shooting trap.
    This doesn't take in consideration of all the local registered shoots and the meat shoots that occurred around the country.
    There were hundreds maybe thousands of people shooting trap last week.
    The continual Sparta bashing on this site is disconcerting to me and getting quite tiresome also.
    I for one am delighted there are so many places to shoot and that people are shooting, everywhere, including Sparta!
  71. STaT mAn STaN

    STaT mAn STaN Mega Poster

    1 Entries vs shooters statistics has nothing to do with the Buckeye.
    2 It has nothing to do with Sparta in my opinion.
    3 It is about a self proclaimed, self serving, narcissist using fake numbers and misleading names for the numbers to justify his position.
    N1H1 did just that but someone caught it. It should cost him the $50.
    If you want to travel that road you may wish to note the U.S. Open lacks shooters but has a higher point value. Self serving narcissists may use fake numbers to justify that. Counting entries and confusing the members seems to be the norm.

    So what is the Big Deal you ask......

    It was just recently that the ATA doubled the numbers for the grand. As reported it was caught by this forum. Some may point to the Executive Director having a business or two there or PULL2012 EC selling property to themselves. And then there is the hiding the HOF going to the State of IL.

    All that and you say. BIG DEAL.

    So much for transparency.
    Flyersarebest likes this.
  72. N1H1

    N1H1 Mega Poster Founding Member

    STat, you wrote:

    "Entries vs shooters statistics has nothing to do with the Buckeye."

    but I have bad news for you. Dr. Longshot just committed exactly that crime on the Buckeye thread! So it has EVERYTHING to do with the Buckeye! I warned him that you would be after him but I'm not sure he realizes just how serious this sort of thing is for you. Please go easy on him; I think it's his first offense.

    Myself, I'm sending him a bill for $50 for correcting his math. I sure hope HE doesn't welch!

  73. Family Guy

    Family Guy Mega Poster Founding Member

    Longshot was smart enough not to challenge someone to a bet. Your ego has it's own zip code. You were not charged. You just plain lost a bet. You owe $50. Good that you may be finding some humor in it.
  74. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    US OPEN ENTRIES Continued:
    event 7 242

    event 8 265

    event 9 182

    event 10 496

    event 11 222

    event 12 204

    event 13 260 this was the Hdcp

    The ATA Gave out a total of 286 trophies, event 10 got the most trophies @40 there were runner up trophies

    event 12 Doubles got 31 trophies.

    What was interesting in the HOA shooters was a low score of 4, that tells me somethings rotten in Denmark, what did he do shhot one event and broke a " 4"
    not all shooters shot THE HOA # of target in all 13 events.

    Event 13 the Hdcp got 31 trophies there were runner up trophies.

    I inadvertinly skipped one event.

    There was a definite Lack of AAA Shooters, ATA Score Points were 4 for the shoot.

    The biggest event was EVENT # 10 w/496 shooters, I believe this was an STP Entry for the schools. I would take away 200 shooters from this event.

    265 shooters was the highest on event #8 and #13 w/260 shooters.

    I would give a total shooter enrty by a stretch Lower than 265 by taking out event #10 w/SCTP entries. This was just a ONE DAY EVENT.

    Do you agree w/me on this? Or use a 265 # for event # 10 w/ a reduction of 231 shooters for a fair Total event of entries.

    Take the very 1st post I made of the US Open Entries and add Events 7-8-9-10-11-12-13.
    All numbers taken from "ATA Shoot ATA website"

  75. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    In my Opinion The US Open was a Money Losing Project for the ATA, if this event was Done at a Gun Club and they Paid the ATA their Standard Fee it would have closed them down. They would not have made enough money, It would have been a Money Losing Proposition. ( do you agree ?)

    Gary Bryant...............................Dr.longshot
  76. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    The ATA makes money even when the State of Illinois (WSRC ) loses money on a shoot ... The State IDNR gets $3.00 per entry (paid) not those thinking about shooting, walking in the vendors area or who happened by because they got lost ... The ATA is supported by all of the clubs collecting daily fees, without them the ATA would of been toast a long time ago ... The ATA has way to many people with their hands in the pot, it was not designed or organized so it could support those on the EC and or any on the BOD, besides pay a talking head (Lynn Gipson) to be ED ... If the State of Illinois gets smart and pulls the plug on the ATA (WSRC), the ATA would be screwed being as the other clubs able to host a mini grand like they have at Sparta would be over run with shooters and they do not want to deal with the ATA on that level ... Mental Midgets , Micro managing would not make for a good time ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2018
    dr.longshot likes this.
  77. SmellyDog

    SmellyDog Active Member

    Dr. L
    Where did you come up with 265 SCTP Shooters in count for event10?

    In past years the IL SCTP was held during that event but not this year.
    The IL State SCTP Event is 6-22, thru 6-24.Not 6-2-18
    Also, SCTP kids are required now to join ATA and recieve registered targets just like any other ATA member so even if there were 265
    SCTP kids there so what! They still count as participants.
  78. harryone

    harryone Moderator Staff Member

    UHHH not quite. I think ATA only registers the singles for SCTP. The numbers hardly compare to the Cardinal. The competition factor there is earned and not given to prop up the businesses like that owned by the ATA Executive Director. just my 02
    Flyersarebest likes this.
  79. SmellyDog

    SmellyDog Active Member

    That is true that only singles are registered in SCTP.

    This thread is about the USOpen. It matters not what happens at the Cardinal Center as far as this thread is concerned.

    But, thanks for your unnecessary comment anyway.
  80. harryone

    harryone Moderator Staff Member

    We have to compare it to something. It is getting a high competition factor although weaker than the CC. The competition factors are supposed to be comparatively even right. Even with the CC or are we giving the U.S. Open extra guaranteed points?

    I can help you with that. We are giving the shoot extra points. It is to prop up the unwanted place. Gipson has a business there. Without the points there would be even fewer attending. Then what would the ED do?

    What would you want to compare this U.S. Open too? Last years? Because last year sucked worse?
    Flyersarebest likes this.
  81. SmellyDog

    SmellyDog Active Member

    I honestly do not think the fact that Gipson has a gun store on the WSRC site has one thing to do with the competition factor in the US Open shoot.
    I do agree the factor is higher to try to get more people to show up.
    Gipson also sells guns at the Cardinal Center.
    Do people complain to Fishburn that he's there?
    Does Fishburn care?
    No. He doesn't or he wouldn't sell him the space.
  82. harryone

    harryone Moderator Staff Member

    Of course it is. Or everyone would be at the CC and Gipson's business closed.
    only his wife goes I think.
    Just an FYI. They only gave them a small tent spot. Buildings all full or so I hear.
  83. SmellyDog

    SmellyDog Active Member

    Yes really. The guys or gals that are there for the higher competition points aren't buying guns from Gipson.
    And they're not going there because he has a shop there. They're going for the points.
  84. harryone

    harryone Moderator Staff Member

    I think Gipson put his shop there so he could sell guns. He has a shot reclaiming business too doesn't he? And of course there was that small PULL2012 stuff. You know where the EC sold themselves some property they owned. Help me with that story.

    And there is that tournament director income. No shooters. No tourney. No income.

    One silly question Executive Director does he negotiate the lease with himself? How does that work? And who gets the free camping spots? I'll bet Gipson knows.
  85. SmellyDog

    SmellyDog Active Member

    I'm in no way a fan of Gipson but he had the gun shop and the reclamation prior to taking the with the ATA.
    Was he supposed to just give those up?
    I don't believe the ATA has the leasing rights to the shops on vendors row. I believe Illinois still handles all that.
  86. harryone

    harryone Moderator Staff Member

    And the ATA knew that right? He moved his shop to the WSRC.
  87. SmellyDog

    SmellyDog Active Member

    We can only assume the ATA knew he had the businesses.
    He ran the KCTA in Kansas City.
    Then moved to Sparta when he took the ATA job.
    So was he supposed to sell his side businesses?
    Sounds like a bit of jealousy to me or just bitter because someone from Ohio didn't get the job.
  88. T Shot

    T Shot Mega Poster

    Dog you are right on all counts. And there is no issue!
    SmellyDog likes this.
  89. Jersey Giant

    Jersey Giant Active Member

    Looks like a conflict to me. I am not from OH. Was the name KS Trapshooting Assoc part of Pull2012?
  90. SmellyDog

    SmellyDog Active Member

    Don't know the answer.
    The KCTA is in Missouri, not Kansas.
  91. Eights!

    Eights! Member

    I doubt you will see Neil around here much now.
    Proving him wrong has a price. No humor. No more Neil for you.
    wpt likes this.
  92. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    Talking about a conflict of interest, lets see who gets the deal to mine the lead at the WSRC, when the times comes ... Lynn Gipson (the Talking Head) owns a lead mining company also, as the ED he would have access to any and all bids for mining the lead when it gets done ... If you know what the bids are it should be reasonably easy to beat out the competition and get the job, or don't beat out the competition and get the job ... Seriously doubt the members will ever be privy to any of the hocus pokus that's goes on behind closed doors or be able to get honest answers ... This should be interesting, stand by and watch this ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
  93. SmellyDog

    SmellyDog Active Member

    Why would the ED of the ATA have access to the bids when the State of Illinois owns the property. The ATA won't have any say in who gets the bid if and when they do lead reclamation at the WSRC?
    Illinois still owns the property, not the ATA!
    wpt likes this.
  94. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    Smelly Dog,
    That is how it is supposed to be, wait and see if there are recommendations and who gets recommended ... Time will tell being as there has never been a lease agreement that was accepted by both parties (published) that we (the Members ) have been made aware of so we would also not know what if anything is included or excluded from such an agreement ... The ATA does not own said property but has made recommendations to the State on other issues, that got accepted ... I say Lynn (the Talking Head ) is right in the mix and probably the winner of such a contract (agreement ) when the lead gets mined ... Care to make a wager, I only bet with those who pay up when they lose so that would eliminate a few people ... (They know who they are, no need to mention names ) ... WPT ... (YAC) ...