my skin on my cheek keeps on pulling whenever i shoot. it is not hitting or bumping my cheek just pulling the skin and irritating it. any suggestions or ideas? any help appreciated.
This happend to me when I wore the oil finish off my comb. When the finish was wore off, the grain of the wood would chew away my cheek. I tryed the powder stuff on my cheek but the blood would turn the power into a paste. I found that putting friction defence on the stock and on my cheek worked really well until I got my new stock with a gloss finish. The fiction defense is like a oil/greese so it wont cake up. Charles Bickle was the one who recommended the fiction defence to me. Forgot to add, keep the friction defence in the shade or cooler because it will melt over 100 degrees or so.
Wouldn't moleskin cause more friction? You could put a patch of moleskin on your face (or a patch of adhesive tape) to protect the skin. But if your dry, just use some powder. Corn starch will work if you don't want talcum.
When I had my new XT Browning with a adjustable comb fitted -- He angled the front of the comb out more than the back. When I ask why? -He said when the gun fires the small relief will save my cheek? Seams to work for me
I like the soft rubber combs. Had one on a MX15 by Rods Custom Stocks that was super soft and have one now on a MX10 that has almost a soft leather wrap of sorts on the comb. Even with big shells, doesn't rub like a wood comb.. I actually have less irritation on my cheek when I shave vs. with facial hair.
If it's just a small spot try putting just the end of a bandaid over it. Cut the middle of the bandaid out so there will not be any "bump." Saw couple people do that and they say it works.
Get you some "Pomade" or "Bag Balm", slap a big ol gob of that on the stock and you can bet there won't be no sticking ... It will be one of the suggestions in the new Book coming out soon called "Trapshooting for Dummies" , look for it at your local book stores if you got a local book store ... WPT ... (YAC) ...