ATA Gipson... sponsors benefit from member addresses?

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by merlo, Apr 10, 2018.

  1. merlo

    merlo Mega Poster Forum Reporter

    Gipson said at the last Executive Session

    It is a great benefit for sponsors to get the addresses of our members.

    ........but then implied no email addresses are to be given out. Some might think addresses lead to the location of guns. Email addresses do not. Not sure what I am missing.

    I report. You decide.

    Merlo out

  2. SmellyDog

    SmellyDog Active Member

    The selling of mailing lists is one of the reasons I quit the NRA. I since have rejoined before anyone gets in a tizzy.

    I join different organizations always with a different spelling or arrangement of my full name. I may use initials for one and switch my first and middle names or nickname with middle initial.
    Then when I get junk mail I can tell who sold the mailing list. That's how I caught the NRA. They were the only organization that matched the junk mail.
  3. Live Oak

    Live Oak Well-Known Member

    What would Zuckerman do?
    Parkerguy likes this.
  4. Larry C.

    Larry C. Member

    ATA sponsorship costs $5,000./year. (If they accept you). Among other things, this enables sponsor to send out monthly email blasts to membership list. Email addresses are not given to sponsors.
    Kevin likes this.
  5. Union Strong

    Union Strong Mega Poster

    For 1/6th of a dollar per person, you get to know who has guns and who doesn't? Who keeps that information? What is the re-sale value of that?

    When I first read this I thought this was the time Merlo was wrong.
  6. rickyd

    rickyd Active Member

    So the sponsors do get email addresses?
    Garry likes this.
  7. Larry C.

    Larry C. Member

    Sponsors never get addresses. They provide ATA w/camera ready ad and ATA emails. ATA is selling access to their membership list not actual list itself.
  8. GeorgeinPA

    GeorgeinPA Active Member

    Gee Larry....then you are accusing the ATA of Lying in their minutes. Page 23 of the executive session says they get addresses as quoted by Merlo above.

    involving data security, and who should have access to our data files. It is a great benefit for
    sponsors to get the addresses of our members. No email addresses are given out to anybody.

    Merlo got it right.
  9. Larry C.

    Larry C. Member

    Not sure he got anything right except excerpt in minutes. I was a sponsor in 2017 (Gun&Trophy Insurance). I was able to send out email blasts as part of advertising package. I was denied sponsorship by Lynn and then EC upon appeal for 2018.
  10. GeorgeinPA

    GeorgeinPA Active Member

    You got email addresses from the ATA? Following up, I think you said Lynn Gipson decided who got the email addresses?
  11. Larry C.

    Larry C. Member

    I never received e-mail addresses. I sent ad I wanted to use to ATA. They then emailed to their members. Lynn decides who to allow to be a sponsor.
  12. GeorgeinPA

    GeorgeinPA Active Member

    According to the new minutes Lynn may have the power to give addresses but not email addresses. Scary
  13. jhunts

    jhunts Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    As a customer, why would ATA deny sponsorship money from you?
    History Seeker and just joe like this.
  14. Larry C.

    Larry C. Member

    Money. Lynn told me that competing insurance vendor pays them over $30,000. It could be $50,000. for all I know. I paid about $12,000 last year including T&F ads and 93 glass bowl trophies at Grand. We wrote several hundred gun insurance policies in 7 months last year. The email blasts produced a substantial amount of business. When it came time to renew sponsorship for 2018 Lynn told me competition leaned on ATA. I appealed decision through EC only to be rejected again. Keep in mind the ATA is the Master Policy Named Insured on members gun policies. I don’t know what ATA makes but it might be substantial. Kind of like telling Perazzi’s they can’t advertise because Krieghoff says so. I am also denied access to largest Skeet and Sporting Clay magazine “Clay Nation” as a result of same firm demanding they not take my ad business. Again Association is master policy holder . Follow the money. I felt it more important to get shooters the best deal I could rather than affiliate with Associations. I suppose time will tell.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 12, 2018
    HB's BUDDY and HistoryBuff like this.
  15. jhunts

    jhunts Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    Sorry to hear that, I have had a policy with the other, now with Gun & Trophy, I never had to use theirs and I hope to never use the current policy. It seems the Gun & Trophy policy was a bit more straight forward, maybe I didn't read all the fine print. Glad I was able to see your banner.
    Larry C. likes this.
  16. Larry C.

    Larry C. Member

    Thank you for your support. I pry you never suffer a loss as well but if you do I truly believe you will be better off with us. We are not only one fourth the cost we have at lest a dozen coverage extensions, enhancements, and broadened loss settlement provisions than they offer (IMHO). Best of luck to you . Larry
  17. HistoryBuff

    HistoryBuff US Navy Retired US Navy Retired Founding Member Forum Leader Official Historian Member State Hall of Fame

    Larry C.

    I think we all appreciate your post since it provides us with a better understanding of what appears to be a major factor involved in ATA decision making.

    I recall hearing that the Krieghoff was hassled during a GAH some years back for having their flag waving out on the grass along with several other vendor's flags. When they pointed that out to the ATA official they were told that they gave more in their sponsorship, implying that if they gave more, their flag flying would be overlooked.

    Tilden Trophies were also barred from the supplier list at one time just for pointing out to the ATA that the trophies they purchased were not of the quality advertised and the cost was higher than it should be.

    It appears you gave substantially in my view. I think the ATA should appreciate all vendors regardless of how large or small.

  18. Roger Coveleskie

    Roger Coveleskie State HOF Founding Member Member State Hall of Fame

    Sounds like a pay for play situation that the EC has going. Sure would like to be able to follow the money trail
    It is sounding like the shooters and the sport is being pushed into the back seat. I would sure like to see the business plan these guys are working with. BUT, we are not on the need to know list. Roger C.
  19. SmellyDog

    SmellyDog Active Member

    Well, it just happened.
    I got the mail today and there's a credit card pre-approved application
    addressed to me.
    Exact same spelling as how I joined the ATA.
    That's absolutely the only place I'm known by this rendition of my name.

    Imagine that!
  20. Family Guy

    Family Guy Mega Poster Founding Member

    Wow......OK I will bite on this one.

    How did you spell SmellyDog with the ATA? Guessing "R A SmellyDog"? Just wondering.
  21. MartinR

    MartinR Member

    Unless the ATA has a mass mailing office (not saying they don't) then it appears they gave someone your address. OP implied Gipson and ATA was giving physical addresses but not email I think. I also think it bizarre that anyone give the addresses of gun owners.

    Unique form of gun registration or registration or gun owners.

    Can the government get the same list? Who can buy it from the Insurance Company?
  22. SmellyDog

    SmellyDog Active Member

    You're surely kidding FG.
    Smelly dog isn't my real name, duh!
    Roger Coveleskie likes this.
  23. Larry C.

    Larry C. Member

    I’ve never heard of an insurance company selling their customer lists. Sounds like a good way to lose business.
  24. Union Strong

    Union Strong Mega Poster

    I wouldn't be as much surprised as a gun org selling the names of gun owners and their addresses.
  25. Roger Coveleskie

    Roger Coveleskie State HOF Founding Member Member State Hall of Fame

    Maybe some one should have their lawyer inquire if the ATA is marketing our personal information to out side businesses With out the members consent. Any attorney's want to write them a letter on your letterhead? Roger C.
  26. Jakearoo

    Jakearoo Mega Poster Forum Leader

    If this is so, where does it say that? What is the ATA official position?
  27. Larry C.

    Larry C. Member

    Can’t answer that . Don’t know what ATA official position is on member addresses.
  28. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    I remember the ATA pushing for Insurance, and said we do not Sell or Release this information.

  29. Larry C.

    Larry C. Member

    I think last year was the first year that ATA allowed sponsors to do monthly email blasts utilizing ATA e-mail lists. Again, sponsors had no direct access to e-mail lists themselves. We provide content of “blast” formatted and ATA then sent to whatever email lists they wanted to. I have no idea whether they provide physical addresses of members to anyone for a fee. I have never received any direct mail, to my knowledge, from any list provided by ATA to anyone.
  30. Roger Coveleskie

    Roger Coveleskie State HOF Founding Member Member State Hall of Fame

    If any one wants our ADDRESSES ALL THEY MUST DO IS BUY THE AVERAGE BOOK/////////////////////////Roger C.
    wpt and Old Goat 2 like this.
  31. jd8820

    jd8820 Member Founding Member

    Good one Roger I wondered how long it would take for someone to think of that
    wpt, Larry C. and Old Goat 2 like this.