Delta Airline takes antigun stance.

Discussion in 'Report the Bastards!' started by OldSchool, Feb 25, 2018.

  1. OldSchool

    OldSchool Active Member

    I guess I wont be flying Delta. Neither will my company or family.
    rrisum likes this.
  2. I saw a piece on the local news that the Lt Governor of Georgia threatened Delta with the loss of tax incentives if they boycott the NRA. As a Patron member I appreciate the fact that he has the backbone to do what is right. Not one of the school shooters was a NRA Member.

    I also saw a breakdown of “school shootings”. Some of these incidents occurred on school property, like the street in front of the school, but did not actually involve the school or students. Anything to skew the numbers. How many of these shooters had concealed carry permits?
    just joe likes this.
  3. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    I did not Know Delta was on the ANTI NRA List, I thought it was American Airlines & another Airline that came out.
