POLL One ounce load trapshooting tournament/ championship - would you enter?

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum - Americantrapshooter.com' started by merlo, Feb 27, 2018.


Would you enter a trapshooting event / tournament that was with one ounce loads?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Not sure.

  4. Depends on the money.

  5. Depends on the trinkets.

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  1. merlo

    merlo Mega Poster Forum Reporter

    I am prodded by a group to ask this question.

    I report. You decide.
    Merlo out
    THEUNLOADER likes this.

    THEUNLOADER Mega Poster Founding Member

    Pocatello Id.----200X200---Fed. Papers 2632.JPG Using 15/16 #8---17.0 Red Dot.--Favorite Load !!---(Fed.Papers) 2725.JPG
  3. The youth and SCTP kids would love that!
    rookieshooter likes this.
  4. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    How do you be sure everyone uses 1 oz?
    Michael McGee and rookieshooter like this.
  5. FrankL

    FrankL Active Member

    What the FXvV doc? The question was asked if you would enter it. YES or No? There are a lot of ways to enforce it. Maybe you really are a champion of xxxxx assed shoots. All talk right doc?

    So Doc, would you enter?
    T Shot likes this.
  6. lbrown

    lbrown Active Member

    Doc is missing meds again? Slow targets = boring ties.
  7. T Shot

    T Shot Mega Poster

    How do you know everyone uses 1.125oz now? Yes I would like the ATA to go to 1oz.
    THEUNLOADER likes this.
  8. cfandg

    cfandg Active Member

    The forum has to be amazed that any one person can misread or not comprehend a thread as often as the author of the above statement. The question has nothing to do with the ATA.
  9. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    Frank L: I did not see where you would enter, Yes I would, but it needs to be all 1oz loads, I shoot them VERY well.

  10. T Shot

    T Shot Mega Poster

    It says do you want 1oz loads. I said yes at ATA shoots. I don't care what other shoots do. What don't you understand?
  11. Warren61

    Warren61 Active Member

    Wow...? You weren't asked about ATA? Need some of doc's meds?
    Roger Coveleskie likes this.
  12. FrankL

    FrankL Active Member

    I would shoot such a tournament. Obviously it would not be ATA...(except to T Shot)?
    Roger Coveleskie likes this.
  13. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    Maybe T shot is like N1H1 and only participates in "real trapshooting".
    Roger Coveleskie, wpt and just joe like this.
  14. gwphunt

    gwphunt Active Member

    yes, shoot them all the time.
  15. SteveS1965

    SteveS1965 Member

    yes i would enter being i shoot mostly 1 oz loads
  16. rookieshooter

    rookieshooter Mega Poster Forum Leader

    Whamo sling shot loaded with 1/2 oz of 12 shot and minnie clays. NO WRIST ROCKETS...UNFAIR ADVANTAGE
  17. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    I mistakenly shot a handicap event out at the Old Red Mountain club with 1 oz of 8's from the 27 yard line (Remington Nitro 27's/ 1 oz -8's) ... I didn't notice it until I went to get shells for the next trap, by then it was to late to go and change them besides that I was only down one target out of the first 50 so I figured the hell with it .... I ended up winning the event with a 97 so that eliminated any doubt about 1 oz breaking targets ... I do not make it a habit to shoot 1 oz or even 8's from handicap, just don't seem right for some reason ... I have shot 1 oz. /8's while shooting practice and seem to do reasonably good with them but I do not want to give up the extra and bigger shot when it matters ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
  18. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    WPT: I tend to agree with you, But out West the targets break easier in the Dry Climate, I have heard a lot of Western Shooters used 1 1/8th oz of 8s

  19. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    You would not believe what a 1oz of #6s would do, I have shot a lot of them w/excellent results, Like Leo said he would shoot #6s if they were legal.

    wpt likes this.
  20. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    I wonder if they held a 100 bird event how it would be received, and play for money?

  21. Doug Kennedy

    Doug Kennedy Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Back in the 80s a shooter bet Mike Jordon that he couldn't break more than 20 targets from the 27 with 1oz of 9s .Mike broke 23 and walked away with a case of beer.
    Roger Coveleskie, wpt and dr.longshot like this.
  22. Eights!

    Eights! Member

    When and where....count me in!
  23. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    54 Votes, come on guys will you shoot for it, VOTE

  24. Sthil

    Sthil Member

    Can I shoot my 20 ga. 2-3/4 dram of 800X and 1 oz of 7-1/2.