Telephonic shoots re-do? Is the ATA ready for WSRC Grand American fail?

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by merlo, Sep 15, 2017.


Is the ATA preparing for the failure of the WSRC?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. merlo

    merlo Mega Poster Forum Reporter

    The ATA has re-hashed telephonic shoots, rules etc.

    D.TELEPHONIC SHOTS A telephonic shot is hereby defined as: Any tournament that conducts a registered event that is held at multiple locations, for the purpose of sharing score data. The following are guidelines for holding such a tournament.

    1.Each location must be granted an ATA registration certificate (Rule III.A). It is NOT permitted for different sites to share a registration certificate.

    2.Each location will determine the earned yardage for that club only, based on the number of participants in that event, at that club, on that day.

    Do think the ATA is doing this fearing the inevitable?

    I report. You decide.

    Merlo out.
    wpt likes this.
  2. Roger Coveleskie

    Roger Coveleskie State HOF Founding Member Member State Hall of Fame

    Merlo, I think it is to cover the zone shoots. Roger C.
    wpt likes this.
  3. Union Strong

    Union Strong Well-Known Member

    They put a lot of thought into this for it to just be zone shoots. Smells like the possibility of a telephonic grand.
    wpt likes this.
  4. Roger Coveleskie

    Roger Coveleskie State HOF Founding Member Member State Hall of Fame

    Union strong, They looked into this when the WRSC closed the first time. I think it was shelved, as not being feasible at that time. They would probably use the sites now used for the satilite grands. With the chance of bad weather at one or more places it would not be a fair contest.
    My suggestion would be have a shoot at each of the sites on the same day and have the top five shooters at each site meet at a central location for a two day 200 bird shoot off. This way the top guns from each location regardless of weather conditions would still be in the race. Industry could put in a (lot) of money for the contest. The ATA should pay for all targets at the shoot offs. Give every contestant $1000.00 as expense money, and then pay all the way to last place on the event. I would bet that they would more than double the attendance at each of the satalite shoots. That is my ides what is yours? Calcutas are verboten by the ATA, but how big of a pot do you think would be generated at such an event?????? Roger C.
  5. frostyman

    frostyman Active Member

    They are clarifying the earned yardage.
  6. Roger Coveleskie

    Roger Coveleskie State HOF Founding Member Member State Hall of Fame

    frostyman, meaning what? Roger C.
  7. 7.5shot

    7.5shot Active Member

    WV would be the more efficient place for telephonic venue.. They can hold a shoot without score sheets.