No ATA All American Points?

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by Family Guy, Jan 16, 2015.

  1. Family Guy

    Family Guy Mega Poster Founding Member

    What would the ATA world be like if there were no ATA points?

    I suspect shoots would have to offer something else to attracts shooters. Hmmm what would that be like?
    Clipperite likes this.
  2. badactor

    badactor Active Member Founding Member

    Did we give out all American points at Vandalia?
  3. Bernard65

    Bernard65 Member

    Would we have shoots like the old tri-state? As if anyone is old enough to remember.
  4. Roger Coveleskie

    Roger Coveleskie State HOF Founding Member Member State Hall of Fame

    Bernard65 I shot many of the old tri-state shoots. Also the N.E. zone shoots when they were at the location. Roger C.
  5. lord maker

    lord maker Mega Poster Founding Member

    I like the AA points. I dont get many, but it is a goal to shoot towards.
  6. I like the flag that used to appear next to your name on the ATA website if you were a recipient of All American points. It always made me feel like a big shot.
  7. Michael McGee

    Michael McGee Mega Poster Founding Member

    All American points, you can't eat em or spend em, can't even use um for toilet paper. I can't beleive some one is that far outta touch.
  8. Leonidas

    Leonidas Mega Poster Founding Member

    A very very low percent of ATA shooters even remotely care about All American points so why even use it as a tool to belittle the ATA? Now thats outta touch!!
  9. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    Belittle the ATA? They are doing it to Themselves
    GAH Attendance figures,
    Someone was asking for the GAH results of shooters that shot it.
  10. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    shooters down 834 since 2006 according to 2014 GAH shooters
  11. Big deal. I shoot the Grand but I prefer prelim week because I can get more shooting in. The GAH is the only event that day. We pull up stakes and leave IL without shooting the GAH.

    There is no money in Handicap anymore and so why wait around an extra day just to shoot 100 birds? If there was some incentive to participate in that event, I would stay the extra day.
  12. Leonidas

    Leonidas Mega Poster Founding Member

    Dr Longshot, You claim you quit shooting ATA targets so why all the negative posts?

    Your figures are for only one event, is that how you people skew the facts?>
  13. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    Your very badly mistaken, I never said I quit registering, you Screw the facts, some Skew them.
    I am Life Member and a proud Trapshooter, guys like Mr. N W and you took integrity from the ATA.
  14. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    I shot many times at the Tri-State shoot at Steubenville, Ohio at the Strip Mine club, developed many friends there, my first shoot there was in 1969.
    Dr.longshot Life Member ATA
  15. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    Mr. NW Lowered the target stds. so more points could be earned,
  16. Leonidas

    Leonidas Mega Poster Founding Member

    from post #77 of the dysinger vs TGVO11 thread

    I rest my case.

    You my post an apology below this post ASAP.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2015
  17. jhunts

    jhunts Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader


    Not that I have a place in this spat, but.

    You are taking registered and ATA registered as the same thing. It is not. I imagine Leagues can be considered as registered, as one registers to be in the league. I also imagine in Leagues, scores are keep as a record, so the scores are registered.

    I believe you have one meaning of registered and the Dr. has another. I can see how, if in ones world view, the ATA as the only trapshooting venue, this could happen.

    I think from the beginning of this site, it was meant as all, and not exclusive to, ATA trapshooting.

    I could be wrong.

    Shoot well

  18. GW22

    GW22 Mega Poster Founding Member

    Gimme a break. The quote LS was responding to specifically said ATA registered. Even if it didn't we all know exactly what "registered" means. He got busted lying again, just like countless times before, on this site and others.

    And yes, this site welcomes all. Even proven liars and fools. Sometimes they can be entertaining. It's fun here in the wild.

    Last edited: Jan 31, 2015
  19. jhunts

    jhunts Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    YEe Haaahhhwwwww!
  20. Laserwizard

    Laserwizard Active Member Founding Member

    Here we go again.
  21. nudie

    nudie Active Member

    A liar can never keep his lies straight. As witnessed above.
  22. nudie

    nudie Active Member

    ATA trapshooter? Fess up now.
  23. Fargo2

    Fargo2 Mega Poster

    I posted the following to you previously...

    Whenever someone runs out intellectual answers quite often you hear the same ole "what's your ata number, how many targets, how long have you been shooting? Fortunately most of those types are on another site hanging out with the guy that uses another members child photo on an avatar.

    For all we know Leonidas, you could be hanging out with a goat in a tent in Pakistan and have never shot trap. I do not know that you even own a gun. We only know you have access to a computer.

    DLS we know has shot tens of thousands of ATA targets and is still a life member. And you? Well at best we know you have access to the computer.

    Leonidas, the thread is about ATA points. Have you earned any? What is your ATA number....Still waiting for that pm.

    Myself, anyone that would make the statement that Wagner made is way out of touch. The trapshooting world was way better prior to the point invention. I know Longshot was shooting then....just my o2.
    Michael McGee likes this.
  24. Fargo2

    Fargo2 Mega Poster

    How many ATA points have you earned? Do you even have a gun? We know Longshot does. Again, we know he is a life member.
  25. Bernard65

    Bernard65 Member

    There wasn't a person in the crowd that would have ever cared about a piece of paper or computer notation that you earned a point. A win there bought you many new cars. Of course that was different time.

    What we have is by design. If any of those at the top loved the sport the way we do they would resign. We have no way to remove them.
  26. Laserwizard

    Laserwizard Active Member Founding Member

    Perhaps this tent in Pakistan is where the cell phone tech support is coming from when you call for assistance?
  27. jhunts

    jhunts Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

  28. Laserwizard

    Laserwizard Active Member Founding Member

    Willy works for me.
    jhunts likes this.
  29. IAShooter

    IAShooter Member

    You did not need a 100 to earn about 15k there. A 97 or 98 would have made the trip very worth while. The only paper you got was lots of the black n green type. Narrowest walkways I have ever seen. You had to straddle the pad to stand upright. lol
  30. Leonidas

    Leonidas Mega Poster Founding Member

    Show me the post where I ask ANYONE for a ATA # and target count.

    You my friend, have a mighty long wait!

    No need for you to be jealous, I wouldn't mess around with your critters.

    So fargo2

    You have proved that you have no intellectual abilities by your own words that are posted above by asking nudie and me for ATA #'s, target count and years shooting.

    Are you from another site? Your two posts above seem to prove that also is the case.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2015
  31. nudie

    nudie Active Member

  32. Wishbone

    Wishbone Mega Poster

    Getting back to the original post.

    I don't think All American points matter to anyone but the hand full of shooters who chase them.

    That being said as we keep adding teams the number of shooters chasing points has increased.

    Maybe in a few years we will all be on a team.:D:D