Hopefully the answer to your question is that no one without a legitimate prescription for Ritalin is under its influence while shooting. Not only is it a violation of ATA rules, using drugs while shooting violates the trust of fellow shooters and trap personnel. If just one accident were to happen involving a shooter under the influence of drugs, the liberal media would paint us all as gun toting druggies.
Golfers are known to take Ritalin. A top golfer is suspected of getting by prescription from a doctor in Canada. A doctor in the U.S. could give it to you. I was not implying some are taking PED's without a prescription. I was only asking how many are taking them with or without a doc. I know of no rules stating PED's are against ATA rules.
If you have to take Ritalin. Then there is no reason for you to be shooting any type firearm.....Period.....
That specifically talks about "illegal" drugs, and medication that would cause the user to not be able to participate safely. As I read it you can be under the influence of drugs. What am I missing? Where is ritalin banned? Where are any PED's banned? I would guess that 10% of the shooters we have are under the influence of drugs banned by the Olympic Committee.
Insulin is a banned PED. 10% of the public is diabetic. The trapshooting population is an older group which would have even more diabetics. Are diabetics banned?
I read the rule as not a problem with my insulin. I tried to copy that section but I couldn't, so here is the rule book. http://www.shootata.com/Portals/0/pdf/ata_rulebook_web.pdf
Does it make you unable to compete safely? Ritalin does not necessarily make you unsafe either. Both are banned in Olympic competition. What other PED's are trapshooters using?