I believe we all know that the ATA is in DIRE straights, It needs a New Coming, a complete overhaul, Implementation of the Old Ways. Where All Officials serve w/o Compensation like it used to be. Where Targets were Competetive, and a perfect score was next to Impossible. Where being on the Max Yardage had Integrity. Not where the Handicap at the GAH was dominated by 65 27 yard shooters w/scores from 99 down to 95, from the 20-13 shooters,21-4 shooters, 22-8 shooters, 23-10 shooters, 24-4 shooters,25-10 shooters, 26-20 shooters, 27-65 shooters. This should tell every ATA shooter something is wrong. History is to be learned from. A rude awakening is what it is. I would like for all ATA officials from President on down to RESIGN, So we can get back on the road to success again. Throw away the Present ATA Rule Book. Wasting money on poor performing Computer Systems, and IT Technician that is not competent. Expenses of all EC. BOD, CHC, Such as Travel, Lodging, Meals, , Our membership is not your Cash Cow. Gary Bryant..............................Dr.longshot
Gary, If you think any of them is going to give up all of the perks, benefits, , shirts and hats, parking spots, etc you got another think coming ... It is what it is and will stay that was because there is no way to get anyone on the EC let alone BOD to get it changed ... The elections are constructed in such a way that anybody with stones can't get in , yet if by chance they do they will be eliminated ASAP ... Most people have zero respect for any of the EC, ED, and or BOD any more ... (except me of course ) ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
Gary, You are not alone, but control was given to those who abuse it and use it to their advantage PERIOD ... There is nothing that can be done to get it back to the way it was and or should be ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
Doc, Are you sure it needs overhauled? Is that the solution? Wouldn't be easier starting all over? The majority of our member have left. Doesn't that say...."start over."
The prohibiting thing about starting over is cost for getting set up, and getting a following ... It would be far less costly to clean house and revamp an organization, replacing the problems with people of Integrity, those people do not last long once they get hired or taken into the organizations for what ever reasons ... Doc Rively, Paul Shaw would be two great examples of people who were invited into the operations and let go before they had a chance to get anything done and moving in a positive direction ... What goes around, comes around, so be patient its not over yet ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
Some of the EC and BOD, must have a hard time looking in the mirror to shave, if they do not it is a shame how far they have sunk in to the muck. How can so many be compromised and the ones that are not let them operate as they do. Many of the delegates are either not doing their job, or are to dumb to see what they have let happen to the organization. It is going to take something radical to get the ATA back on a true course of working for the betterment of the sport of trap shooting. I do not think the people involved now have the desire to correct the mistakes made to date. It may involve self incrimination on their part. Roger C
The Eastern Zone elected Paul Shaw as their VP beginning this coming year... Perhaps now we see the winds of change going forward. He alone may not be able to change things overnight, but he will keep the EC on their toes during is terms. I have a LOT of faith in my friend Paul Shaw.
I would like to see others follow his lead and support him GB........................................DLS
Paul Shaw, Doc Rively, Jim Thompson all have reputations for being men of Integrity ... Common sense, logic, and reasoning can hopefully make a difference in the not to distant future for the sake of the game ... We will see ... WPT ... (YAC) ...