While I was having a disastrous Handicap on my 3rd Trap, my wife decided to strike up a conversation with this couple rather then being embarrassed by my shooting ability. They were from Ontario and just got back from Sparta...there first time there. Then they came over to the Cardinal Classic also their first time. I thought it was interesting what they said (no big surprise here). They told my wife, "They will no longer go to Sparta after shooting the CC, but rather this shoot for now on". The CC just keeps getting better and better or should I say bigger and bigger. Nothing beats word of mouth.
We have so many wonderful friends from Ontario, and Nova Scotia who we have met over the years. With the American dollar exchange the way it is, fewer and fewer are coming to the states lately to shoots. When living in NY we certainly enjoyed going north of the border to shoot with them, and visit their fine clubs. Fond memories abound, with Bill Wylie, Terry Jordan, Paul Shaw, Jimmy Hanna, Bill Malcom, George Jonkhere, and the list goes on and on.All fine folks ! Hoping some can make it down to Florida next winter...We certainly miss them. Dave