Mr. Dysinger, I heard that You shoot right-handed, but are left-eye dominant. I suspect, I am the same. My eye doctor says I have better vision, (at distance, slightly), in My left eye than My right. Does that mean I am left eye dominant? I was taught to shoot rifles at a very early age with one eye closed, and shot shotguns that way too, until I decided to try and learn how to shoot trap with both eyes open, which went pretty well. Then I needed to get corrective lenses in My shooting glasses. Haven't been as good on the targets since. Just curious if this piece of internet trivia for You was true, or not. If so how did You overcome this. Sheer will? I have tried to shoot with one eye closed again, feels too weird, no depth perception, not going back to that. Figured I would put this out here, as it might be of interest. Hope You do not mind. Sincerely, J. Webb. P.S. I do O.K. on straight, or quartering targets, but can lift My head off the gun at more extreme angles, and then is when the dominance issue can come up
I've been shooting this way since my dad gave me a gun to shoot (right hand) and told me to keep both eyes open. I never realized a person had a dominate eye until I started shooting trap at 19 seriously and had people ask me about the way I held the gun, so yes I am a right handed shooter with a left eye dominance. I've always shot this way, I think I just learned it. If I was starting again I'd shoot left handed. I shoot left handed a lot now that I'm older and it is easier. The target that gives me most trouble is a left one because I'll shoot in front of them, mainly when I'm tired or the visibility is poor. I think I've just learned where to point is why I was successful. I'd recommend never using only one eye, I think a shooter needs the depth perception of to eyes if you have them. I know some very good one eye shooters like Ben Smith and Nora Ross but I don't think I'd be very successful shooting with just one eye. It's real hard for me to answer questions about one eyed shooting on the net why don't you give me a call and I'd be happy to talk with you about it. My business number is 419.587.3555. Brad
Brad, I'll give You a call in the morning, as it's late out here in the west coast now, and I'm ready to quit for the day. Thank You a lot for responding