NASCAR has become the best sleeping pill out there--you can see the same action by standing on an overpass and watching traffic on any busy interstate. Its a shame what they have turned a great sport into.
This happened about 15 yrs. ago with all the new rules. It used to to be the best cheaters won a lot more excitement in those days.
Stage racing sucks. Dale Jr. nailed it this week. He said changes are needed. This new car NASCAR has is like driving a brick. A lot of drag, de-tuned engines, and the current equivalent of restrictor plate all contribute to poor racing. At big tracks it is a 200 mph traffic jam. Hard to pass. Apparently Dodge (RAM) is considering to a return. Honda is also thinking about a future in NASCAR but would be a grass roots/ground up start for them. Apparently this is the last year for Honda motor deal in Indy car. They are looking at other racing opportunities. I just have a hard time following nascar anymore.
diazepham & melatonin for me! Not sure if it is good combo for that get psychotic episodes. Melatonin does not connect with the dopamine receptors - but do not know if it triggers a cascade of other hormones that then eventually will trigger more dopamine release - so something to look into before trying - or take it up with your