Reviews about Tri Star Reliability

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by Mike n Missouri, Mar 1, 2025.

  1. The designs on these guns look good. There is a bunch on the SCTP circuit but I am interested in reliability reviews and impact point.

    Are they patterning where they are supposed to and what is the reliability expectations?

    I have a few kids in the family ready to make the move to the sport.

    Thanks in advance.
  2. TMX199

    TMX199 Member

    A kid on are team had one it shot 9in high at 15yd sold it in a month
    Shot to high. As reliability it is it either works good or they have issues from my experience
  3. rrisum

    rrisum Mega Poster

    Lot better than they were when the first showed up on the market.They are what they are, entry level trap gun.
  4. lbrown

    lbrown Active Member

    The technology about shotguns isn't very complicated. They have a pipe like devise with an explosion at one end. They all shoot the same ammo. Triggers vary. There have been some perfect scores with 1100s.
  5. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    The “Big Guy” shot his two pretty well. And in one of those articles in the old magazine he said the only difference between them was his doubles 1100 had a stock 1/4” shorter than the one he used for singles and caps.
  6. Relics095

    Relics095 New Member

    I had a Tri-Star O/U five years ago. It was nothing but trouble and traded it in. Don't know much about their semi-autos or pumps.
  7. Jim/Canton

    Jim/Canton Mega Poster

    A girl won the SCTP last person standing with a Tri Star 2 years ago.
  8. jdsfarms

    jdsfarms Active Member

    I bought a top mono when they first came out for my grandson when he was has been as reliable and he has shot good scores with it including some registered targets ..he is 21 now and still shoots it occasionally someone above said it's and entry level gun not designed to shoot 5000 rounds a year thru. I will say that I see a lot of them at FFA trapshoots and registered shoots and kids seem to shoot them pretty well,probably much better than they would a field gun which is at the same price range. Jerry