WTB Choke Tube Wrench

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by Reyper, Feb 4, 2025.

  1. Reyper

    Reyper Mega Poster

    Need some serious help here. I'm looking for a Precision Reloading Royal Choke Tube Wrench in 28 gauge. I have an extra 12 gauge one (see pics) I'd be willing to trade if that made sense to you. If not, I'd buy outright. Appreciate and help/leads etc... Thanks and good shooting, Rey
    IMG_8897.jpg IMG_8898.jpg
  2. Reyper

    Reyper Mega Poster

    Found the 28 gauge wrench and now need the .410 wrench to complete my set. Appreciate any/all leads/help in locating. Good shooting, Rey
  3. Old1Eye

    Old1Eye Old 1 Eye

    Only you Rey please post if you get a 410 you lucky Bast---