Found this out in the shop......I used it one time for pheasant hunt in South Dakota. I'd say you can drop this from the airplane with no is heavy duty. It's going to make a big box with big money to ship. I really don't know what it's you? Guy Hungerford
These are Pelican 1700s without the wheels. If you're feeling sporty, just slap a label on the outside of the case, a box won't really be necessary, if it's handled rough enough to damage it without a box, a box wouldn't have helped anyways.
So all someone has to do is pay whatever the shipping cost is and the get the case? I’m shocked no one has taken you up on that deal.
Check EBay there a few on there but a little bigger than yours. I have the larger one probably over 25 years old.
Google is your friend. If it’s, and I think it is, a model 5115 made by Pelican for Browning the one on eBay is $125 plus $41 shipping. Some ads go back as far as 2022 but there are a few showing what they sold for and a few showing what the seller wants right now.