Ramshot Competition Powder 12 Ga. Loads wanted

Discussion in 'Reloading Bench' started by Sawdust, Jun 29, 2022.

  1. Sawdust

    Sawdust Active Member

    The only powder that I have presently have in volume is Ramshot Competition. I would like to see what some of you have come up with for loads of 3/4 and 7/8 ounce 12 Ga.loads. I have a fare amount of 209 Cheddite Primers. Various types of wads.

    I shoot some Trap, Skeet and Sporting Clays. With the cost of Lead Shot continuing to go up and up. I like the smaller loads of shot. It's amazing as how well these lighter loads work!

    Thanks ahead for your time in this request.

    Steve M.
  2. settersit

    settersit Active Member

    As per Hodgdons reloader website, 17.5 gr Ramshot competition, WAA12L wad - claybuster CB0178-12 equivalent, HS hull, cheddite primer, 1250 FPS. Wonderful load, low recoil, hits hard to smoke birds. Another tip, I've just started to use Winchester red Super Target hulls, they load great and they are all over the place, use them once or twice max, then chuck them. One thing I've noticed is that occasionally, you can get a fold-over crimp, seems, they don't retain crimp memory as well as HS hulls. All in all a soft shooting load that is economical, for these days.
  3. Sawdust

    Sawdust Active Member

    I would like to find a 3/4 ounce 12 Ga.Load with Ramshot Competition Powder that someone has used in the past. I will have it tested professional and post test results , (all components used, pressures and velocities per test report) here for all to see and use!

    Steve M.
  4. alf174

    alf174 Mega Poster Founding Member

    I like it for a 1oz load, first shot of doubles.
    ric1911a1 likes this.
  5. Shooting Coach

    Shooting Coach Well-Known Member Founding Member

    My new favorite 12 ga powder. Have been using it for over a year. The Hodgdon site has oodles of data for this powder. Just snarfed up a couple of cases of 8 pounders at our State Shoot today.
  6. NoWhereNoBody

    NoWhereNoBody Well-Known Member

    I’m using Ramshot Competition for 24gram(7/8) 1350fps for Olympic Bunker and for skeet as well. Great Powder.
    Sawdust likes this.
  7. Sawdust

    Sawdust Active Member

    What wads and Primers being used! And grains of Competition iif willing to share.


    Steve M.
  8. mayneak

    mayneak Member

    Hey Sawdust,
    I reload my 7/8 oz shells with Ramshot Competition on my MEC with powder Bushing # 30 that throws between 19.4-19.6 grains into my cheddite primed AA hulls with clay buster wads (CB4100-12B). Great load for my needs when I shoot skeet and trap. Used a few left overs for sporting clays as well one time.
    Ramshot data sheets show this should be around 1325 fps.
    Sawdust likes this.
  9. Shane8168

    Shane8168 Active Member

    Is like to know where to find ramshot... one of my favorites!
  10. Sawdust

    Sawdust Active Member

    Thanks mayneak!

    Steve M.
  11. Big bore

    Big bore Active Member

    Since powder availability seems to be the problem you might want to take a look at Vectan powders. Vectan AS is a very good 1 oz powder and it's density is just about the same as Clay Dot. The following is straight from the Vectan load data that Grafs has available for download:

    Federal Gold Medal hull
    Fed 209A primer
    19.1 gr Vectan AS
    Fed 12S0 wad
    1 oz shot
    9500 PSI
    1235 FPS

    While I have not tried this specific load, I load a similar one in Remington hulls and have had very good results with it.