Shout Out to Bruno - Lombardo Sporting (Loanman)

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by thebigski, Jan 21, 2025.

  1. thebigski

    thebigski Well-Known Member

    Bought two step rib K80 barrels from Bruno - landed today. Both are extremely nice, as good if not better than described. Packing was superb - no chance of shipping damage.


    Ron fisher, JussBad, magnett and 3 others like this.

    THEUNLOADER Mega Poster Founding Member

    Bruno is "A #1 !!!"
  3. Reyper

    Reyper Mega Poster

    Bruno is first class. Good shooting, Rey
  4. loanman

    loanman Moderator V I P Founding Member

    thank you gentleman, appreciate the kind words and happy to hear you like the barrels

    thank you for your business
    JussBad likes this.
  5. BerettaSC

    BerettaSC Member

    Mr. Lombardo is great to deal with
    loanman likes this.
  6. Scott Dockter

    Scott Dockter New Member

    Had a fantastic experience with Bruno on my Perazzi barrel. Will do business with him again!
    loanman likes this.
  7. rennerize

    rennerize Mega Poster Founding Member

    Bruno is a first class act. He has bent over backwards to help me on a couple of my projects.
    loanman likes this.
  8. Digger1Dog

    Digger1Dog Active Member

    I purchased K-80 wood from him and again, I think the quality was better than he advertised.

    loanman likes this.
  9. Jim Veta

    Jim Veta Mega Poster Founding Member

    Have not seen Bruno in a while. I have
    Done multiple transactions with him over
    The years. Honest, forthright guy. Never
    A problem.
    loanman likes this.
  10. Joe Winnicki

    Joe Winnicki Mega Poster

    All right you guys, stop gushing over Bruno. Of course Big Jim Veta was going to say nice things about Lombardo, they're Paisans !! I'm half Italian so I get treated only half as good when dealing with these Goombas ! Oh by the way, these guys can shoot !!! Bruno was California State Sporting Clays Champion as was Jim Veta the Nevada State Sporting Clays Champion.

    Very interesting read. Google: Lynching of Italians in 1891 New Orleans. The Sheriff was shot with a shotgun so it had to be done by an Italian because all Italians had shotguns.

    Joseph Minori Winnicki Jr
  11. loanman

    loanman Moderator V I P Founding Member

    thank you Jim, appreciate my friend...hope to see you soon
  12. broken target

    broken target Mega Poster

    I had several transaction with Bruno very good guy to deal with and very nice selection!!!