Anti Trumper - Anti Gun - Dem directing the ATA HOF - who knew?

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by merlo, Sep 29, 2020.

  1. merlo

    merlo Mega Poster Forum Reporter

    Someone knew.

    According to Janie in the ATA office, (2 pm eastern time) the Director of the Hall of Fame is Terry Waldron from Sparta, IL.

    A person’s politics are often on display. Some put those passions on their sleeve. Some display their passions on Facebook. What you see is what you get with Terry Waldron.

    So why would a person with Terry’s views be the Director of the Hall of Fame? Ask Mr. Bradford.

    I report. You decide.
    merlo out
  2. 635 G

    635 G Mega Poster

    Illinois the home state of a lot of Dem pimps and hookers
    History Seeker likes this.

    BRAD DYSINGER The Philosophist Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    Merlo I don't do Facebook so what are you talking about?
  4. Palos shooter

    Palos shooter Mega Poster Founding Member

    Terry is a true against Trump democrat.Why he would have this job is beyond all reason.
    He is not a Illinois ATA shooter,but he does live in Sparta IL.
    wpt and History Seeker like this.
  5. Ravenanme

    Ravenanme Well-Known Member

    Those types sneak into authority but in a Liberal state , what would you expect ? Smarter people , I think not !
    God help all the shooting sports if Sleepy Joe gets in as , that's when the Great Depression will officially start !
    bill1949, cl3 and History Seeker like this.

    BRAD DYSINGER The Philosophist Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    Palos shooter, I don't know anything about or wouldn't recognize this guy if I ran over him. I'm trying to get a little info out of Merlo but he's like talking to a woman, I don't like reading between the lines. You seem comfortable in talking about him so please a little info.

    I do know Bradford and when I see his name mentioned in an HOF thread I wouldn't be surprised about anything. I don't do Facebook anymore and I did very little a few years back so I don't know what Merlo is referring too.

    Could you or someone else please fill in a few blanks, I am a HOF member and Big Trump Supporter and how a person that hates guns (if you support Bidden you by definition have to) got hooked up with the HOF Museum is something I want to know.

    I think every thinking ATA member, not to mention all the Vendors and Supporters of the HOF, might like to know also. I'm also worried if there is a gun hater in charge of the museum stuff how can I believe it to be safe, especially with Illinois owning the HOF building.
    wpt likes this.
  7. Seitz9010

    Seitz9010 Mega Poster

    If only you knew how close you are to Merlo’s identity.
    Doug Kennedy likes this.
  8. Palos shooter

    Palos shooter Mega Poster Founding Member

    Brad,I just looked up his Facebook page.He was a art teacher for 36/years at Sparta High School.He spends a lot of his time bashing Trump and the Republicans.Loves Jimmy Carter.Has pictures of Colon Kapernick like he is a hero.
    Claims Trump spent 141 million dollars of the American people playing golf.And the list goes on and on..
    He is really a left wing radical who has a very large political page on Facebook.After reading his pageI wouldn’t piss on him if he was on fire.
    rrisum, bill1949, dr.longshot and 2 others like this.

    BRAD DYSINGER The Philosophist Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    Thank you Polos shooter, I'm going to have to do some investigation and thinking before I respond to this situation.
    wpt likes this.
  10. rookieshooter

    rookieshooter Mega Poster Forum Leader

    Sounds as if we ''Got a fox guarding the hen house''.
    bill1949, MOE, wpt and 3 others like this.
  11. Roger Coveleskie

    Roger Coveleskie State HOF Founding Member Member State Hall of Fame

    The time is now, to remove all artifacts from the bulding. Also time to straighten out the H.O.F. board members. Get rid of the addle brained and elect men of honor. How did we end up with so much incompetance in the E.C. present and past members for the past 25 years? Evil will prevail when men of honor do nothing. Roger C.
    bill1949, Seitz1113, wpt and 2 others like this.
  12. The Phantom

    The Phantom Village Idiot Village Idiot Forum Leader

    You're wasting your time, Roger. Nobody is going to do anything, except maybe pout.
    goose2 and wpt like this.
  13. Sparta Sid

    Sparta Sid Active Member

    Is this a big issue? So he isn’t fond of guns? Might even hate them. It doesn’t look like he is cool with Republicans or Trump. Does he hate those guys? He is doing a great job at the HOF. Who is pouting now?
  14. mudpack

    mudpack Mega Poster Founding Member

    Is that you, Terry....?
    Roger Coveleskie likes this.
  15. History Seeker

    History Seeker A NoBody Founding Member Official Historian

    For some reason I was getting this guy's Facebook page coming up when I checked into my FB.

    His introduction USE to be something like "The Director (or curator) of the Trapshooting Hall of Fame", now it is no longer there.

    His language I have seen is beyond reproach for a school teacher to be using on a public forum, and his Anti Republican stance makes one believe he is one of those left wing radicals.

    Yep, a fine person to be running (ruining) the Trapshooting Hall of Fame reputation.

    Don't know him, don't care to know him, and don't think Bradford should have selected this guy for that job.

    BRAD DYSINGER The Philosophist Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    Who is responsible for the HOF going from Dick Baldwin, to Kenny Ray, to an anti gun Trump hater at the helm? My vote goes to the trustees.

    My wife got up this guys facebook page last night and I got to agree with Palos shooter in what he posted yesterday.

    Sparta Sid may be the dumbest poster of all time if he doesn't understand why having an anti gun person taking care of trap shooting history is so so bad. I doubt if Sparta Sid is even a trap shooter. Some troll more than likely, mudpack may be right it could be this Terry guy after what I read on his facebook.

    I wonder how the HOF trustees can explain their hiring choices? Does this guy get paid or does he do it for free? What in the world were the trustees thinking or did Bradford make the call on his own? How can anybody think the Museum things are safe when Illinois owns the building and an Anti gunner is guarding it? As the president said last night I don't see how this is going to end well.
    Doug Kennedy, bill1949, wpt and 4 others like this.
  17. Brad M

    Brad M Well-Known Member

    I’ll admit I don’t know Terry very well but I do know he is very much about preserving the artifacts and such. More of a museum director keeping all the items tidy and looked after. I am a republican yes, but I know a few democrats who are not bad people. I don’t agree with them politically, they have their view and I have mine. In my honest opinion Terry does a great job with the maintaining of things in the building, artifacts and is quite knowledgeable about the history of trapshooting and things in the museum. Seems like every time I venture inside he is reading something about shooting or looking up requests from people. He keeps a tight lock on the artifacts not on display as well. He is by the books when it comes to the museum.
    Roger Coveleskie likes this.
  18. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    Nice troll sidney :confused: .

    Not some of your better “ I know the ata and HOF leadership sucks but I get off trolling the guys here” stuff, but not bad. That’s why you use the word Sparta in your name right? Just to annoy some of the guys here. Must be a real kick in the nuts to you every time another WTF were they thinking? comes to light. LOL

    I do have a question, (that you won't answer). How can you type with one hand while the other one is down your pants? You HAVE to be getting yourself off thinking you are "trolling" us. Remember, if you do it too much you'll go blind. :eek:

    Look, here’s the deal. (I love the way I worked that old biden line in there don't you?) here’s the deal. man. I know, and you know, you are just trolling, SOME of the guys know it but some think you are serious. I hope that after they read this those guys will also know you are just trolling. Hint, too obvious.

    BTW, If you are going to continue, and that's fine, the correct prefix before you type the name Trump is PRESIDENT.

    I know you are an athletic supporter and I hope you are a biden/demorat supporter because in a few weeks you will have to live through ANOTHER FOUR YEARS of having President Trump in the White House. Now pull your pants back up and try again. See if you get any bites.
  19. Got Beagles

    Got Beagles Active Member

    I would say an anti gun person should not be entrusted to protect our gun museum. But, the museum is in a gun hate state. And the museum is owned by the state. Seems fitting.
  20. Jon Reitz

    Jon Reitz Well-Known Member V I P

    Throw his ass out

    BRAD DYSINGER The Philosophist Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    It's the trustees that's dropped the ball on this, and Bradford in particular. They should be the ones answering what happened that put an anti gunner in this position in the first place. After all they are the ones who are supposed to be overseeing the Museum and its health.
  22. History Seeker

    History Seeker A NoBody Founding Member Official Historian

    Hell Brad, since Bradford gave almost everything else to the State of Illinois, he probably thought who better to handle the store than a Democraptic fellow from there.

    I heard you may be getting a visit from our old friend Sietz113 one of these days.

    He ain't a bad fellow. LOL
    Doug Kennedy and Seitz1113 like this.
  23. Black Magic

    Black Magic Active Member Member State Hall of Fame

    How often are they open? When was the last day? They don’t even answer the darn phone. Were they open in the last two weeks?
    Is that why he has an anti gun position? I am calling bullshit.
  24. Brad M

    Brad M Well-Known Member

    Black magic send me your name and number and I’ll pass it along next time I’m by the hof. I’m pretty sure I saw his vehicle there this past week. I’m sure if you leave a voicemail with your info he would get back to you. Once again send me your information and I can pass it along. If it’s an emergency you can always call the Ata and they should be able to help you.
  25. Black Magic

    Black Magic Active Member Member State Hall of Fame

    So if his vehicle was there they were open? You said everytime you venture by there.... When was the last time they were open and you went in? Why aren’t they answering the phone?

    How often do you venture inside?
  26. Brad M

    Brad M Well-Known Member

    I do
    They were open the last time I went in maybe two weeks ago. Usually I see his vehicle there midday. I don’t make a point to go in every time I drive by, I’m usually pretty busy and I’ve seen most things that are on display. I do drive by there often. I don’t know why they are not answering the phones. Once again if you need to speak to him shoot me a message with your info and I will personally make a trip and pass it along to Terry and have him contact you.
  27. Black Magic

    Black Magic Active Member Member State Hall of Fame

    Again I am calling bullshit.

    From their own website:
    We will be open during all scheduled events at the World Shooting & Recreational Complex.
    Click on their logo on the bottom of this page to visit their site and see their schedule of events.

    If you would like to visit on other dates, please contact us to make an appointment.

    HOF site says closed.
  28. The Phantom

    The Phantom Village Idiot Village Idiot Forum Leader

    So, when ATA dies, and all the "rank and file" fade away, what will happen to the 19+ million bucks resting peacefully in Bradford's bank? There shouldn't be any significant debt service. Maybe the current and living former EC members have arrived at an agreement where they can split the money amongst themselves. Who would know?
    Roger Coveleskie likes this.
  29. Subjr1

    Subjr1 Active Member

    Some of the discussion on here is ridiculous and I didn’t want to make a comment but I think I’m going to now. You may have your own political views and I certainly agree with most of you that Republican is the way to go for voting in office. But to have a mans job taken away from him due to his political views is crazy. News flash, people can leave their own views at the door when they walk into work. Has he done anything against the HOF? If so then they can be up for action, but to have someone fired because they don’t like the trump train or they use their first amendment right to post a terrible QB doesn’t add up in my corner. I know some people here would like to speak their mind freely and say their political views and views on amendments.. so why stop another fellow American? Because his views don’t match yours? How about you have a democratic boss and he fires you because you have a trump sticker on your car? Is that fair??? Exactly. Let the man have his political views and act against him or his office when a real problem occurs.
    i may not be favored here anymore, but everyone has the right to their piece of mind. At least I saw that on this thread
    This is my 2 cents on this issue. Yes I’m a trump supporter, yes I love the ATA, yes I love America and all the rights we have.
  30. Palos shooter

    Palos shooter Mega Poster Founding Member

    Maybe the NRA should recruit Eric Holder for the president position.I am sure he would leave his views a the door.
    Tell the democrats that Amy Barrett is going to leave her views at home .I know that Obama and Mouchelle kept their views to themselves..(wink wink)
  31. Black Magic

    Black Magic Active Member Member State Hall of Fame

    Perception is reality. The Director is in the public domain where moneys are solicited for the HOF. If someone like that were to be taking an anti gun stance, I think that might be considered a conflict of interest. But, the museum is owned by the State of Illinois. That might be the person the state would want.
  32. Roger Coveleskie

    Roger Coveleskie State HOF Founding Member Member State Hall of Fame

    Phanthom, Do the bylaws contain any mention as to the organizations asset distribution if it disbands? If not it should. Roger C.
  33. Subjr1

    Subjr1 Active Member

    everyone can express their opinion. If they think what they say is right let them think it. I can have a target on my back it doesn’t bother me, just shows that those people can dislike others based on political views and opinions. That’s something that children do.
  34. Palos shooter

    Palos shooter Mega Poster Founding Member

    Subjr1.I hope you remember your words when the news media,Pelosi,Shummer.Soros the FBI and the CIA all conspire to unseat the American president.What game are there democratic children playing.What is the reason for their antics.
    Do you think it is because of his political views?
    My political view is that president Trump has America’s best interest at heart.His campaign is like a job interview.I like what I hear and will hire him for the next 4 years.This is my opinion.
    Terry Waldron would not be hired if a smart person did the job interview.Could this be the ATA good ole boys club?
  35. Subjr1

    Subjr1 Active Member

    I dont know if you're not understanding my stance on this issue or if you're trying to make something out of nothing. I am an IL resident, I have attended the Grand American for the past 5-6 years. Since the opening of the HOF building at Sparta I have heard nothing but good things from people who visit it. If the man is doing his job and keeping the HOF building in good condition, why fire him? because his views dont match with yours?? thats crazy! I stated above I am a Trump Supporter, I feel silly having to state that to you, but you dont understand. This isnt a US election, this is a man doing his job and having people threaten his job because he doesnt support their political views. Theres no need to bring politics into this matter because Terry is not a politician, he works on the HOF for the ATA. News flash, you can have friends and co workers and employees that dont agree with you politically. If you think otherwise, you're going to have problems in life
    Rn3 likes this.
  36. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    Maybe someone should have asked this guy BEFORE they hired him what his views were on,

    The 2nd Amendment.
    The right to carry
    And was asked these 4 questions
    If he thought there should be any laws against SEMI-AUTOMATIC rifles?
    Does he think 'High Capacity" magazines should be restricted or even banned?
    If he thought that "sporting" shotguns were fine but any firearm that didn't fit that description should be restricted?
    Would he support a ban or restrictions on ANY firearm?

    If he answered YES or MAYBE to any of the 4 questions he should have gotten the " Sorry, you didn't get the job" letter.

    And for anyone thinking about saying "what does any of that have to do with the TRAP SHOOTING?" Well then you really don't get it.
  37. Palos shooter

    Palos shooter Mega Poster Founding Member

    I have been to a few grand myself,including the last grand in Vandalia.I have been around the block a few times. BB94F18E-889B-4507-A357-97E7091EB9CA.jpeg

    BRAD DYSINGER The Philosophist Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    Subjr1 In the year 2000 I was inducted in the HOF. I am proud that I earned my way because of my shooting, not how much money I gave to build a building or because who's ass I kissed but for my shooting record. For the past several years the trustees have made some exceptions on the eligibility requirements to be inducted (years shooting is one example) and that didn't set well with me but I mainly grumbled to myself.

    When the HOF solicited money from donors for Bradford's cow barn without telling them that the State Of Illinois, the most anti gun state in the Midwest and one of the top 3 in the country, would own the building I complained a little louder. If you would read your buddies face book comments you might see why I think he should resign, or be fired by the trustees if he doesn't.

    You are more than entitled to your opinion, but so am I and as a HOF member I do not want an Anti Gun person representing me or the sport of Trap Shooting. I'm speaking up for all the HOF inductees that went before me and are no longer here to do it themselves.

    I feel comfortable doing this because just as you know this guy I know a whole hell of a lot of dead inductees that would not stand for this as would many of the past ATA Presidents and Trustees of the HOF not stand for it. I think you should try and learn a little history about the HOF, and I'd suggest you read some books by Jimmy Robinson about trap shooting and gun ownership.

    When the Illinois Democrat anti gunners come for you and your trap guns I hope Terry is there to save you. Rest assured I won't be looking for or needing his help defending myself and my friends, you are young and that is a reason but you won't be able to use that as an excuse now that you have been warned.
  39. User 1

    User 1 Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    "Has he done anything against the HOF?"

    Wouldn't the better question be ..... Has he done anything FOR the HOF?

    How is sitting out in BFE and 'reading-up' on something you have never had an interest in, 'doing a great job' ?????

    Keeping the mice out of a abandoned horse barn doesn't exactly require a high-level skill-set ..... Just a janitor position being presented as a 'museum curator' ..... Two visitors per-year couldn't make much of a mess to clean .....

    The "fantastic direction" continues by paying people who do nothing, and have done nothing, to support a once great dying sport .....
  40. History Seeker

    History Seeker A NoBody Founding Member Official Historian

    One has to remember that "Supposedly" the ATA has nothing to do with the THOF other than give Bradford $250,000.00 of the members money for the State owned Horse barn.

    The Hall of fame is a separate enterprise, run by a separate group of directors/trustees.

    Can't lay blame on the ATA for this man's hiring.

    It was done solely (supposedly) by a vote of the Trustees , but probably he was appointed by Bradford without trustee knowledge, if things went as they usually did in the past.

    Trust me, the THOF trustees were kept in the dark on a lot of issues that Bradford took upon himself to just approve.
    cwtech likes this.
  41. Roger Coveleskie

    Roger Coveleskie State HOF Founding Member Member State Hall of Fame

    Who elected or appointed the trustees? Who put Bradford in charge. Who are the trustees? Roger C.
    rrisum likes this.
  42. User 1

    User 1 Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    "but probably he was appointed by Bradford without trustee knowledge, if things went as they usually did in the past."

    IF ..... the "Trustees" have no power 'after-the-fact', they are useless .....

    IF ..... the "Trustees" have the power and not the will, they are even more useless .....

    FWIW ..... people who put their personal garbage on fake-book seeking preferential treatment for it, are sick and weak ..... If the horsepower for your point of view, or your employment, revolves around your proclaimed identity, you should be ignored and/or fired ..... period .....
    wpt and Roger Coveleskie like this.
  43. History Seeker

    History Seeker A NoBody Founding Member Official Historian


    Now that is the million dollar question as I have no idea.

    I only knew ONE trustee and never asked that question. He was the one who I know for a fact was kept in the dark on many issues pertaining to the THOF probably because he asked too many questions.

    He has passed now, so he cannot answer the questions for us.

    I can tell you that when I called him about the ORIGINAL architect's drawing of the Museum building he was shocked to hear this. When I immediately sent him the pictures he was not a happy person. History Buff knows this also.

    I tried to find that original article and drawing but cannot at the moment.

    It was a concept that was in true contrast wo what they ended up with.

    I am hoping History Buff will chime in and offer the answers to your questions.
  44. nickthanos

    nickthanos Well-Known Member

    Was out to dinner at a supper club talking conservative politics at "our table" with friends, when a liberal teacher leaned his chair back and was obviously listening to our conversation, he butted in & said "I have two masters degrees" I stopped him & said "and that is the problem". "Too many people confuse education with intelligence". He got up and left the restaurant.
    Another liberal bites the dust.
  45. History Seeker

    History Seeker A NoBody Founding Member Official Historian

    A letter from the past ~~~2013

    What "Could have been" ~~~

    To me from a friend ~~~~

    Since I was sitting at the table during the entire OSTA presentation I can tell you the facts as I recall them.

    The OSTA started the presentation, and had Aden Kauffman provide most of the details. Mr. Fishburn was willing to deed property to the THOF organization, free and clear. No trust or anything, just free land to the THOF which I later found out from Aden was approximately 5 acres. At the meeting we were informed that the stakes & flags for the site were already in the ground and a picture was projected on the wall showing the staked out building location.

    The President of the OSTA stated that they promised $100,000 in funds towards the construction of a museum building and felt they could possibly raise a total of 250,000 stated as a quarter of a million.

    Mr. Fishburn spoke last. Remember, his wife had just had major surgery and was recovering at home yet he took time to face the THOF Trustees to show his good faith.

    He started with the notion that he wanted to get into the "Adopt a Hiway" program so he could landscape the entire roadway to draw drivers eyesight over to look down at the HOF museum.

    He followed with what was new news to the OSTA that he had started the process (discussion with his lawyer) to place the entire shooting complex into a "tax free corporation" 501C3, and upon his death, the property could not be sold and could remain a shooting facility for eternity.

    I can tell you when he said that, the hair stood up on my arms and I though that was a wonderful offer. So the thought of a trust only applies to the shooting grounds at the Cardinal Center, not the campground. And it was stated as a 501C3 corporation and not a trust. So, I don't know if the words are interchangable or not.

    I sat next to Brad Dysinger who had already told the entire Ohio group that the Trustees would turn the offer down. The meeting only came to fruition because of the insistence of Doc Parsons who felt it was a wonderful offer that the Trustees should strongly consider.

    While Doc and me felt the museum would be better situated at the Cardinal Center (I had no vote but offered my opinion on several occasions), the other Trustees felt they had voted to relocate with the Grand American several times and were not about to change their minds now. I honestly think if the G.A.H tournament attendance dropped to only a couple hundred shooters, they would still want to build the museum in Sparta.

    I believe I still have Adens phone call saved on my message system stating that Jack said the property would be deeded free and clear.

    Anyway, that's the way I remember the meeting. Feel free to share this information with those who have an interest. If anything I've written is incorrect, they can verify with Mr. Fishburn, Aden Kauffman or Dysinger or the OSTA Past President.
    Seitz1113 likes this.
  46. Roger Coveleskie

    Roger Coveleskie State HOF Founding Member Member State Hall of Fame

  47. The Phantom

    The Phantom Village Idiot Village Idiot Forum Leader


    I honestly don't know. But, I would seriously doubt if there is any written documentation on the subject, probably because such an occurrence was never anticipated. I'm definitely not the best person to ask on that topic. I am, however, a believer in the Peter Principle.
  48. Seitz1113

    Seitz1113 ETA Organizer

    History Seeker..... what year was it that the ATA gave Bradford $250k
  49. Roger Coveleskie

    Roger Coveleskie State HOF Founding Member Member State Hall of Fame

    I wonder how much of that $2,500,000.00 building cost got stuck to some fingers? Knowing that the state was the benifactor of the whole scam. So many under the table deals were done thay all are now suspect. Roger C.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 8, 2020
    Seitz1113 likes this.
  50. Brad M

    Brad M Well-Known Member

    Roger, does the state actually own the building or just the land it sits on? I’ve heard it both ways. I’ve heard the HOF owns the structure and everything in it as if needed they could dismantle the building and move it to wherever they desire or is it that the state owns both the building and the grounds but definitely not the contents.
  51. Brad M

    Brad M Well-Known Member

    [​IMG]Speaking of what it could of looked like, I stumbled across this in my journeys...

    Attached Files:

  52. The Phantom

    The Phantom Village Idiot Village Idiot Forum Leader

    Brad M,

    I'm not answering for Roger, but virtually all of the information and all of the answers to you questions have already been discussed in detail and in depth here. Play around with the website search engine and you should find the answers to all of your questions.
  53. History Seeker

    History Seeker A NoBody Founding Member Official Historian


    I believe it was around 2015.

    Search for this thread below, it is interesting !

    Did our ATA delegates vote for$250,000 to HOF Bldg.
    Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by dr.longshot, Jul 12, 2015.
  54. Roger Coveleskie

    Roger Coveleskie State HOF Founding Member Member State Hall of Fame

    Brad, Some where in the lease agreement of the H.O.F. it states if the lease is broken, the ATA has 90 days to remove their property from the building or it is deemed property of the state of Ill. I do not know if the lease is for the building and the land or just the land it sits on.
    The whole organization should be audited. ATA and H.O.F. not by an auditor of their choice but by the IRS in conjunction with the corporate commission. There is enough quesionabe actions in both to warrent an investigation. It most likely would prove if any fraud was committed by the officers or not, either way it would confirm or reject any illegal actions by the management. If the H.O.F. is a non profit then it can be and should be audited by the IRS. Roger C.
    PS. Maybe Jim Bradford should be confronted and ask to explain his actions, and who all is on the board of the H.O.F. They are required to hold meetings and keep records. Ask for them.
    History Seeker likes this.
  55. History Seeker

    History Seeker A NoBody Founding Member Official Historian

    Thank You, thank You, Thank You Bad M. !!!

    I could almost see a couple of million for this one, but never for that Horse Barn.

    This is the one my friend, Trustee Lynn Parsons almost choked on.

    He was told "Nothing" about it. thof ORIGINAL DWG..jpeg
  56. History Seeker

    History Seeker A NoBody Founding Member Official Historian

    I can't remember who I asked about whether Union Labor was used for the construction, but was told that because it was going to be a Government OWNED building, they had to use union labor.

    Nothing against these laborers, but it sure drove the price a lot tougher than just going out for bid.
    Roger Coveleskie likes this.
  57. Roger Coveleskie

    Roger Coveleskie State HOF Founding Member Member State Hall of Fame

    What was the name of that union? IUKB (International union of kickback) Looking at the building with no land costs, about 1.5 million of the costs must have got stuck to some fingers. Roger C.
  58. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    I'll answer for all the Kool-Aid drinking lurkers. The ones that know the whole deal stunk to high heaven but don't want to hear or see anything that shines a bad light on either the ata or the hof. The ones that said we wouldn't last 30 DAYS.

    There answer? So what
  59. harryone

    harryone Moderator Staff Member

    I don’t usually bump. You can use use the search mechanism. Looks like a magnifying glass. I searched Terry Waldron.

    Looks like merlo had the scoop long ago.

    BRAD DYSINGER The Philosophist Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    Glad to see this thread back up top.
  61. PaShooter

    PaShooter Member

    Just finished reading his Facebook profile…..amazing…..reminds me of the time the ATA had a Ben & Jerry’s vendor on the grounds……have tossed a few bucks to HOF every now and then….will be rethinking in the future….

    Paul H
    Imperial, PA
  62. langer

    langer Well-Known Member

    Not posting to make anyone feel bad but the ATA HOF is owned by the State of Illinois. The HOF Committee gets to run it.

    It is in an anti gun state.

  63. Roger Coveleskie

    Roger Coveleskie State HOF Founding Member Member State Hall of Fame

    Langer, What about the contents of the H.O.F.? Roger C.
  64. langer

    langer Well-Known Member

    BRAD DYSINGER likes this.

    BRAD DYSINGER The Philosophist Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    Good to see that this Biden backing POS is still watching our HOF, the trustees should be ashamed for this. Not to mention all the other shit they have done to my sport, FU.
  66. Roger Coveleskie

    Roger Coveleskie State HOF Founding Member Member State Hall of Fame

    is disgusting. Roger C.
    Cooperdisciple and BRAD DYSINGER like this.
  67. Roger Coveleskie

    Roger Coveleskie State HOF Founding Member Member State Hall of Fame

    HCarl, Forever shall be inscribed, Means just what it says. Roger C.
  68. langer

    langer Well-Known Member

    Just an update on recent posts from Director of HOF

    IMG_1320.png IMG_1319.png IMG_1318.png IMG_1317.png IMG_1316.png IMG_1315.png IMG_1314.png
  69. langer

    langer Well-Known Member

  70. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    Well, isn't this WOKE Ahole a real piece of work. HA
  71. Roger Coveleskie

    Roger Coveleskie State HOF Founding Member Member State Hall of Fame

    ROGER C.

    BRAD DYSINGER The Philosophist Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    This guy should show his hero Tampon Tim how to load a Beretta.
  73. Roger Coveleskie

    Roger Coveleskie State HOF Founding Member Member State Hall of Fame

    How can these low life scums look in a mirror to shave when they are looking at a person with no HONOR.
    How can men of honor stand to associate with them, they should be drummed out of the ATA. Roger C.
  74. Doug Kennedy

    Doug Kennedy Well-Known Member Founding Member

    My guess is,Lauren is Merlo.
  75. Doug Kennedy

    Doug Kennedy Well-Known Member Founding Member

    I have a feeling its,Merlo.

    BRAD DYSINGER The Philosophist Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

  77. Rocketfan

    Rocketfan Active Member

    We knew Merlo was a girl long ago that worked w the ATA but this woke leftist hired as the HOF Director is bullshit.
  78. Roger Coveleskie

    Roger Coveleskie State HOF Founding Member Member State Hall of Fame

    The EC came to the conclusion that the trap shooters were not to bright. so they little by little took away their power to guide the organization. they corrupted the board of directors into working for them instead of for the shooters. It is past time to clean out the swamp, and take back the power to over see the running of the organization. ROGER C. PS Rocketfan , Do you want to paint a target on her back?