P-Whipped Sean Penn

Discussion in 'Off Topic!' started by GW22, Jan 14, 2015.

  1. GW22

    GW22 Mega Poster Founding Member

  2. bill1949

    bill1949 Active Member Founding Member

    He's a punk, always has been...Bill
  3. Fargo2

    Fargo2 Mega Poster

    Punk....ditto. I fail to understand why the U.S. sheep continue to look to professional hollywood fakes for help in real life.
  4. hoppin

    hoppin Member Founding Member

    So this guy who has donated millions and personally helped those in Haiti who sold his gun collection is a Punk? You guys are idiots!

  5. GW22

    GW22 Mega Poster Founding Member

    He's a punk and a socialist because he openly supported Hugo Chavez, an enemy of America -- the country where he earned all his money.

    He's also a p*ssy because he let his doper girlfriend Charlize Theron make him destroy his gun collection. He's lucky Theron's mom didn't kill her boozer dad by running him over with a car. Theron would probably make the douchebag sell his Ferarri and ride a horse, LOL.

    John Trap likes this.
  6. hoppin

    hoppin Member Founding Member

    Well Hell Gary- then I believe your a stupid SOB who is of questionable gender and pedigree. I'm sorry that you feel you're above everyone else. A bad affliction something like herpes.

  7. GW22

    GW22 Mega Poster Founding Member

    That was pretty funny.

    And yes, my pedigree is definitely questionable. Gender, not so much.

    Flyersarebest likes this.
  8. John Trap

    John Trap Well-Known Member

    I think Gary's description of Penn is spot on,

    It is a mystery to me, why the simple liberal mind idolizes these Hollywood phonies!
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2015
  9. hoppin

    hoppin Member Founding Member

    You Conservative wackos are beyond decency. Who gives a damn that I might be a "liberal mind". I don't idolize anyone but my maker. I care about anyone, be it Republican or Democrat, who does good for humanity no matter what it is. Penn went to Haiti to physically help there not to mention donate a lot of money. Are you Right Wing Nuts condemning him for that? Typical Right Wingers ideology, your right...always and won't even consider a viable argument or rebuttal. That's why you'll never have another Republican President in my lifetime!

  10. Jammer

    Jammer Moderator Founding Member

    "So this guy who has donated millions and personally helped those in Haiti who sold his gun collection is a Punk? You guys are idiots!

    Punk is too generous of a term.

    insincere, unapologetic, disconnected, class conscious, goof (in the real sense), pretentious, uninformed do gooder assh --le best describes Penn.

    OMG......read those last two paragraphs where he is talking about his guns......"will decommission and render inactive all of my cowardly killing machines". "to get rid of the guns I have in the continental united states"!!! does he have guns elsewhere?

    What a puke! When some bad person or group comes looking to exterminate his pathetic excuse of a man he will be crying otherwise.
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2015
    John Trap and Family Guy like this.
  11. John Trap

    John Trap Well-Known Member

    Penn reminds me of the typical liberal, they have the brain power of a spermatozoa!
  12. hoppin

    hoppin Member Founding Member

    I can unfortunately see the direction that this web site is headed in after just a short time. Right Wing Looney Tunes who always think their opinions count and are entirely full of BS and are trying to commandere this web site like they did at TS.com! Far from being a Christian and civil American!
    Ok idiots, you can have this site and your cynical ramblings. Tell Mister Dysinger that he's lost me after only a week.

    hoppin (gone)
  13. Shooting Coach

    Shooting Coach Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Dear Hoppin

    Sorry you are butthurt because we don't revere libs. Think about a few quotes from folks who count.

    An unarmed man can only flee from evil, and evil is not overcome by fleeing from it.

    A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity.
    Sigmund Freud, General Introduction to Psychoanalysis (1952)

    Why would a man of good character and reasonable intelligence NOT carry a gun?

    A PACIFIST is someone who won't raise their hands to defend themselves...
    A COWARD is someone who won't raise their hands to defend someone else.

    The modern definition of Fascist is someone who is winning an argument with a liberal. - Peter Brimelow

    “Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views.” William F. Buckley Jr

    In the last 50 years, Liberals have turned our country around and nearly wrecked it. Their agendas to "improve" our nation have backfired so badly that now, we must be able to defend ourselves from criminal elements that were largely created by Liberal policies and entitlements. From Gun Control that only limits the law abiding, Catch and Release policies with the Justice system, to Radical Muslim Terrorists overseas that KNOW they can strike us with impunity, or at most a pitiful response, about everything they have done seems to have come from the mind of a disturbed child.

    I imagine Penn&Co. have armed guards around them. What do you think?
  14. John Trap

    John Trap Well-Known Member

    Very well put, Shooting Coach,

    I would be willing to bet, that Penn and many of his liberal associates retain armed guards. It is amazing how hypocritical the Hollywood phonies are.
    Smithy likes this.
  15. Jammer

    Jammer Moderator Founding Member

    Appears hoppin hopped out of the heat!
    Smithy likes this.
  16. jmunsell

    jmunsell Well-Known Member Founding Member

    I got rid of cigarettes, I got rid of chewing tobacco and I don't drink anymore but I will not get rid of my guns.
    Smithy likes this.
  17. jmunsell

    jmunsell Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Oh and I would also get rid of a wife that won't let me have my guns if I had one.
  18. Bigboy

    Bigboy Member Founding Member

    Hey Hoppin Maybe Penn should donate his money to the Wounded Warriors or Disabled American Veterans instead of those in Haiti. Help our wounded men and women who make it possible for you to sleep safe and make millions of dollars in this great country.It sickens me when these millionaire movie stars go to other countries and give tons of money and adopt children. Help your own country and adopt American children. Keep the money in the country that allowed you to be a millionaire. Take your millions and keep the homeless veterans from living in the streets and shelters. Hoppin you must be a Barrack ( pass the joint) Obama supporter. I can't speak for Mr Dysinger. but speaking for myself, I'm glad your gone. Take your hammer and nails and move to Haiti.
  19. Rosey

    Rosey Mega Poster Founding Member

    I was disappointed when I read this thread.

    I thought Penn got pistol whipped.
  20. ljutic329

    ljutic329 Mega Poster Founding Member

    Me too, wished it had happened.
  21. Boyd

    Boyd New Member Founding Member

    I think he may have been seriously distracted penn.jpg