Just install our first new Pats wabble trap and having several disagreements on yardage -angle- And loads. Starting a winter league. What is the general consensus of rules you have on wabbles.
I widen out the angles and set as high and low as she will go . Low is about a foot over the house. Put about 8 to 10 more cranks for speed . We play a variety of games on fun night. Short slider 16 back to 24 yd line , long slider 19 back to 27 yd line. 2 shots from the 16 then roll a die for handicap yardage , if you roll a three then you shoot 3 shots from each station at the 23 yard line. The next box you reverse the order , 2 shots each station at handicap , then 3 shots at the 16 yd line . Two rounds in all . For money there are 3 pots you can shoot for $2 ,$5 or $10 . You can only by into one that night. High score wins and if two tie ,all tie money carries over . Other times everyone who wants puts $5 in the pot and at the end of the night we draw three man teams or 4 depending on the number of shooters . High team wins the money . Splits are 50, 30 ,20 or 40 ,30 , 20 ,10 . Make it fun. 6968 ,,,,,
Thanks for the Idea algebra one! Will try that tommorow.Our trap has a skeet overlay--shot wabbles from all the skeet pads, very humbling.
Don't set the low targets below the house roof. No reason to shoot that low and a good way to wack the house.
I run a 45 degree left to right spread( max for my trap), 30 degree vertical with low bird hitting 6ft of elevation at the10yd stake and enough spring to hit 52mph. Some targets fly 80 yards give or take a few inches