Discussion in 'For Sale-Vendors-Industry' started by Jim Flynn, Jan 13, 2022.

  1. Jim Flynn

    Jim Flynn Mega Poster

    To keep a well used Beretta 600 series shotgun performing the way it should, there is regular maintenance that needs to be performed. In the course of my gunsmithing career I have found several problem areas that need to be serviced in well used target guns.
    One of the most common problems that I run into is a stuck cocking foot plunger. This results in misfires. The cure is to replace the cocking plunger spring. Our spring is made from high grade wire for a long life.
    When a Beretta 600 fails to fire the second shot, it is usually the result of a broken inertia pawl spring. We have also improved this spring by making it out of better materials.
    Our ejector springs are made out of the best chrome silicone spring wire available, are long lasting and give positive ejection.
    The chrome silicone top lever spring we manufacture insures that the locking bolt is seating into the barrels correctly and there is no movement that is going to wear out an expensive locking bolt or set of barrels.
    Our Beretta 600 series Spring Kit contains all these springs and a pair of firing pin return springs and will give your shotgun a complete tune-up. Please have a look at this kit in the following link. This kit fits all shotguns 680 thru 692
    J&P Custom Products, LLC | Gun Springs Manufacturing
  2. Jim Flynn

    Jim Flynn Mega Poster

  3. Jim Flynn

    Jim Flynn Mega Poster

  4. Jim Flynn

    Jim Flynn Mega Poster

  5. Jim Flynn

    Jim Flynn Mega Poster

  6. Jim Flynn

    Jim Flynn Mega Poster

  7. Jim Flynn

    Jim Flynn Mega Poster

  8. Jim Flynn

    Jim Flynn Mega Poster

  9. Jim Flynn

    Jim Flynn Mega Poster

  10. Jim Flynn

    Jim Flynn Mega Poster

  11. Jim Flynn

    Jim Flynn Mega Poster

  12. Jim Flynn

    Jim Flynn Mega Poster

  13. Jim Flynn

    Jim Flynn Mega Poster

  14. Jim Flynn

    Jim Flynn Mega Poster

  15. Joe Winnicki

    Joe Winnicki Mega Poster

    Hi Jim. Joe Winnicki here from Reno. I'm looking for a couple of reduced hammer and springs for a couple of p238 380 Sigs. The triggers stock are around 8lbs would like to get down to 4/5 lbs. I bought a couple on line but they made no difference.

    Tks, Joe
  16. Jim Flynn

    Jim Flynn Mega Poster

    Sorry we do not have any pistol parts. JIM
  17. Jim Flynn

    Jim Flynn Mega Poster

  18. Jim Flynn

    Jim Flynn Mega Poster

  19. Jim Flynn

    Jim Flynn Mega Poster