I only wish we could get Good men with Integrity in office for the next shooting year, The present system cannot bring it back Quickly. What I personally feel it would take is a SPECIAL ELECTION OUSTING/IMPEACHMENT OF ALL PRESENT EC, BOD,CENTRAL HDCP COMMITTEE, TREASURER, PRESIDENT, WHICH WOULD BRING ABOUT A COMPLETE OVERHAUL. RULES OF WHAT DELEGATES ARE REQUIRED TO ADHERE TO IN OFFICE. Rewriting the role of being a delegate, and his responsibility to uphold the ATA Membership. The President works for the State Elected Delagates, at their discretion. A MEETING FOR ALL DELEGATES ONLY TO REVIEW THE ACTIONS AND RULES BEING CONSIDERED FOR THE CORPORATION. held DURING THE 1ST DAY OF GRAND WEEK. THE ACTIONS OF THESE STATE DELEGATES WOULD DECIDE CHANGES EFFECTIVE IMMEADITLY AFTER THE MEETING. THIS INCLUDES EVERY OFFICER'S RETENTION, OR REMOVAL OF OFFICE. Presently the President, EC, and BOD, CHC, and spending of ATA money by the Treasurer is out of control and some actually illeagal, RE: (501)c3 status. The EC composed of ALL state delegates 50+ of them. The membership needs to have the IRS come in and do an AUDIT of the BOOKS and the Actual Checks that were written and to whom and for what, including mileage, motel/hotel, and meals expenses. Including Trapguns given to the ATA President. Any illegal violaters be fined $50,000 per incident, and serve Imprisonment as allocated by Federal Law Gary Bryant..........................Dr.longshot
Gary, I think you are a candidate for Secret Double Probation if there ever was one ... I like your style of telling it like it is, not how it should be ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
"The membership needs to have the IRS come in and do an AUDIT" ..... That may only happen if enough people request it. One request will be placed at the bottom of the pile, many may not. Get a bunch of people to send a complaint to http://www.illinoisattorneygeneral.gov/about/email_ag.jsp ... And ... a bunch of people mailing a form 3949A and you may get some attention. Possible violations span both State and Federal laws. But understand when the house of cards falls, you will not be able to choose who the bad guys are. There will be some who were in the wrong position at the wrong time, and may not have been able to change the culture. The one thing that is certain .... more threads, and more posts will not shame anyone into removing themselves for the good of the organization. Once the money flows for them, the "threat" of action is just a joke.
The answer to your question is quite simple but one heck of and undertaking to be sure of. You would have to stat all over and you wuld have to allow the ATA to die a peaceful death otherwise it will continue to spiral out of control to point where the Sport cannot be saved.
We the membership of the ATA need to go back to the very basics that worked so very well, like the original rules that were devised by our Great Trapshooting Forefathers. They applied the very basic principals, The angles, distances, that set speed requirements. It was that simple, we allowed the changes by electing POOR DELEGATES, and ALLOWING the EC and BOD take away the powers of the LIFE MEMBERS, little by little. Who are the REAL Honest Members Today WHO COULD TAKE CONTROL OF THIS VAST TRAPSHOOTING ORGANIZATION, AND BRING IT BACK TO WHAT MIT ONCE WAS. MEN WITH HONESTY AND INTEGRITY, WHO WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE IN CONTROL OF THE ATA, IN THE VERY NEAR FUTURE, WHO WOULD YOU SUPPORT IN THIS POSITION? AND THE POSITIONS OF THE EC AND BOD, TREASURER, AND PRESIDENT? GARY BRYANT...........DR.LONGSHOT
Has anybody else heard from the ILLINOIS ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE? Gary Bryant......................Dr.longshot