Ed Drumheller, who is new to online forums, said he "Would be nice to see names of clubs, where they are and when they shoot." For he and others new to internet shooting websites, here are two good resources: For ATA REGISTERED TRAPSHOOTS, simply go the ATA website and click on Clubs & Shoots. Then you just etee your area code and how far you're willing to travel and it gives you a list of shoots. Here's the direct link: http://www.shootata.com/Shoots,Clubs,StatesZones.aspx For SHOOTING RANGES IN GENERAL, go http://wheretoshoot.org/Find_Range/index.asp and search by zip code, distance and tyoe of shooting desired. For PITA (WEST COAST) TRAPSHOOTS, go to http://shootpita.com/calendar/ I'm sure there are several others. Good luck. -Gary
You are welcome to post your shoot and bump it occasionally. The front page is designed to hold 100 discussions. If the font page gets swamped with shoots we will have to create that section. We wanted to have a forum that could be viewed with very little navigation but we will continue to revisit this! The forum is for the trapshooters. You guys decide. We will soon have links to the ATA , PITA, NSSA, etc. tells us what links you want. Thanks to GW22 f0r the previous post.