Has any see of heard that the park police are again pulling people over for minor infractions committed while in golf carts? Shades of the first few years in Sparta.
The 2 days I was there I never seen that happening. Actually, it appeared the cart situation to be more in control. In years past some drove those carts like idiots. Never seen a problem there this year. Now keep in mind I was there only 2 days and not an authority on this but it did seem better?
J.B. Pritzker has not been seen on any golf cart at the WSRC. But there have been several sightings of Sarah Palin.
A friend of mine was ticketed for having an open container in his golf cart. I think the fine was 161.00
Every day's announcements included the reminder that traffic rules for alcohol and carts are the same as alcohol and automobiles.
I have discovered some cops go hot on you sometimes if they don't like you. Maybe if you are successfully and all smiles living a life they can't afford. they just go crazy on you.
All one has to do is watch some of the YouTube videos of the First Amendment Auditors trying to practice our first amendment rights to see what kind of cops are out there. Ever hear of the term, RAS? Look it up.