ATA Held Hostage - - - Week 9 ** Groundhog Day Edition **

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by Family Guy, Oct 26, 2015.

  1. Family Guy

    Family Guy Mega Poster Founding Member

    It is like Groundhog's Day in the ATA 'all over again'. We have had a recent parading of auditors that like Punxatawney Phil, predicted foul weather for the ATA.


    Like poor Phil, the auditors have been attacked for their honesty!

    There is more than one groundhog in the trapshooting world. A fellow by name of Dysinger has been talking about what lurks in the secret shadows of the trapshooting world. A new forum had to be started to get the truth out.


    Previously the creator of the forum had to use many pseudonyms to discuss such evil.

    How accurate is the information that Phil and his pals discuss? You decide.

    More than one groundhog says to brace for a cold winter. Deny, deny, deny. All is going in a "fantastic direction."

    It's Groundhog Day.....all over again!

    wpt likes this.

    BRAD DYSINGER The Philosophist Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    It looks like bigdon with the shovel, and sure that small lump in the snow has greentitian's name all over it. Hunter44 must have fallen down and not gotten up. Brad
  3. appalachianshooter

    appalachianshooter Active Member

    Poor Titan probably had to hang on to Big Don's belt after the first 2 feet of snow. Edward is not old enough to cross the state line yet. If Ed was there the path in the snow would be <-MUCH WIDER->. :D