Buy me out, my entire pro shop & gun inventory

Discussion in 'Missouri- Vanzant Clay Pigeon Farm' started by bobski, Dec 25, 2021.

  1. bobski

    bobski USN Retired Range Owner

    take it all. cash or trade as one lot, part or partial.
    all my pro shop items PLUS GUNS, plus a motorcycle, plus Skeetmaster Inc...........102,000.00 plus ship.
    this is 40 years of private collecting. im getting old. it all must go.
    you pay shipping or come pick it up if youre a mo. resident. if out of state, guns must go thru ffl.

    i have even more surplus, winchester shotguns, a reloading bench with presses, lead processing w/moulds, and another motorcycle not listed. just ask and bring more cash. cash is king. pm me for the other stuff.

    PM ME FOR MORE INDIVIDUAL PICS. the guns, the motorcycle, the pistol loading bench, and bbl business are listed individually on the forum with pics already. go see. the usgi inventory is spread across 3 states. i will do the best i can to ship when its possible.
    1934 parker upgrade engraved to to A1S, btfa, sst, ejt, vr, 26" ic/mod..............16,000.00
    1976 win SXM1 trap/skeet combo, 12ga, 26" skeet vr bbl, ported, 30" trap full vr, factory pad, uncut m/c stock, type 2 trigger 80%.....1000.00
    1940 remington model 11 sportsman 3 shot skeet, i have 3. 12,20, and 16ga. all are vent rib guns. conditions vary ..............................2400.00
    1940 winchester model 12 skeet, 16ga, solid rib, clean specimen 100% original........................................................................................3000.00
    1959 winchester model 50 pigeon grade 12ga, 28" full round post vr, 13 3/4" lop over a red winchester pad, w/ old case.............................2000.00
    1956 winchester model 50 pigeon grade 20ga, thierry duguet engraved plate 4 w/ gold inlays, b carving AAA select wood, duguet engraved 3 bbl set. skeet/ mod/ full vr. 14 1/4" lop over a red winchester pad. a fitted period buttplate included.............................................5000.00
    1958 winchester model 50 custom engraved field grade skeet 12ga, 4 bbl set, bbls engraved at chamber. deep german relief wood carvings, dog in stock, 3 plain bbls, skeet/mod/full plus an engraved steel cutts compensator donut post vr bbl, red winchester pad...................5000.00
    1959 winchester model 50 field grade 12ga, 28" mod plain bbl.......400.00

    1. used broken win sxm1 bolt assy. one wing is snapped off the locking lug. everything else is fine. for parts only.........................40.00shipped
    2. Winchester/Western 1577 trap machine.......2500.00
    3. winchester 50 straight patch nos...........5.00
    4. winchester 75 straight patch..................5.00
    5. 1 set of RH bullseye match thumb rest grips adj palm rest for 1911a1...............125.00
    6. winchester model 50 12ga skeet stock, pistol grip cap, brass monogram plate in belly, winchester logo buttplate and screws included, no f.a....... 250.00
    7. NRA american rifleman magazine collection, COMPLETE, from 1945 to present, 78 YEARS, 924+ issues and growing, all in document protectors & in 3 ring binders, various conditions, nothing ugly or shameful, .....2000.00 SHIPPED
    8. thousands of pieces of gun company catalogs and literature, too many to list. ask for a specific company, some are posted here in 5 batches. go see..................or call
    9. 2-savage 410er 12ga/410 tube inserts, used, w/counter display boxes..............300.00
    10. winchester caliber insert 30 cal army to 32 s&w. used for training to save cost of 30 govt ammo. dated 1899.............20.00
    11. NOS 12ga adjustomatic choke system, ported, w/ manual.......................75.00
    12. x-full cutts steel choke, 2LR/680, MINT..........................65.00 shipped
    13. 10 - empty remington gun club #8/12ga boxes for reloaders. used. ...............15.00 shipped
    14. 3000 12ga FED/cb 12SO wads. 8 bags, 500 per bag. all.........80.00

    15. navy shooting stars promo sticker. pre Coronado home base. from little creek, va.....1.50 shipped.
    16. empty howitzer projectile container. circa 80's. only problem is, how in blazes do you mail something like that w/o batf and fbi jumping down on it as a weapon of mass destruction?...50.00
    17. Nautilus, SSN-571. 1st nuke sub. it made history to be the first to sail under the north pole. many of us remember it. Up for auction now is a copy of the famous cruise map of going under the north pole made by SSN-571. The story of this map is they were handed out to crew members from the ships store. It was signed by the original crew. These aren’t commercial copies. This account was made from my uncle, who served on board SSN-571 as the storekeeper. When it was time to clean up the shop, they were to be tossed out. My uncle was a pack rat, and here you have it. Its a true piece of naval history. It is old, fragile, yellowed, and frayed on some corners from being rolled up for what, 60 years? Its about 34" x 30". Remember, this is a ships copy, NOT the actual map. Still, very rare to see one in its original condition off the SSN-571 with a story....................350.00
    18. lots of ww2 bolivian paper and chinese currency.......too many to price individually. pm me for details and I will do my best.
    19. 1992 boeing defense and space group, official V22 osprey concept poster given out by tech reps to commands involved with its research and development. yep yours truly.................20.00
    20. vietnam jungle hammock. good shape...... 50.00
    21. ww1/2 naval deck gun spotting scope w/ secondary eye piece for observer...........350.00
    22. decommisioned vietnam circa 24' chest reserve parachute. white canopy. cotton container. lines cut at container but intact at skirt. no ripcord. ..............100.00
    23. desert storm era navy diver/udt-SEAL life preserver w/inflation assy & straps
    w/bottle.... 50.00
    24. 4th infantry collar devices (the ultimate weapon)...................2.00
    25. army achievement medal set, in case.................10.00
    26. navy flotation gauge for testing raft pressures..........5.00
    27. navy good conduct medal with 16 yr stars, used........................5.00
    28. misc ribbon frames w/ navy ribbons (good conduct-12 and 16 year stars-gedunk-sea service-humanitarian citation- pistol and rifle sharpshooter w/ S's............................20.00
    29. black navy po3 collar insignias nos..................2.00
    30. 6 empty ribbon bars, 1 row thru 3 row................ 10.00
    31. navy sharpshooter ribbon with S, used.............1.00
    32. aircrew safety belt. needs cleaning..................10.00
    33. army achievement ribbon, nos unopened...................1.00
    34. B7 army life preserver manual......................1.00
    35. cpo khaki hat covers and my folding hat...........10.00
    36. navy life vest dome beacon................5.00
    37. MALS-31 sqd patch w/ velcro............5.00
    38. 2-70's circa navy bumper stickers...........2.00
    39. E6 80's circa navy dungaree uniform, shirt/pants/belt/buckle/dixie cup.....50.00
    40. pilot helmet offset bayonet 02 set with helmet mounts................50.00
    41. MK1 paracommander parachute (PC) manual..................5.00
    42. pilot helmet skull cap nos....................5.00
    43. T-10 parachute harness...................20.00
    44. navy flash card set for vietnam survival, in box...........30.00
    45. M17A1 gas mask kit...............50.00
    46. post vietnam era helmet liner, green camo, new...........5.00
    47. vietnam era radio handset w/ cord........................5.00
    48. navy laundry and sock net, used...........5.00
    49. cpo winter working blue uniform, size 36-38ish. partial hat, pants, LS shirt, belt, buckle...50.00
    50. complete and packed 24' chest reserve for navy ops minus pilot chute............300.00
    51. usgi 60' fast rope assy. used...............................450.00
    52. SV2 survival vest, well used.............................. 50.00
    53. navy pilot helmet APH6d, form fit, dual visor, was mine in the day...............275.00
    54. 2 navy desalter kits, nam issue.............................................150.00
    55. dozens of surplus design parachute harnesses'. your choice. ...............25.00 each
    56. martin baker ejection seat gru5-7 type, custom leg restraints..........................100.00
    57. 90's vintage specops altimaster 2 halo altimeter w/ wrist brace, NOS/UNOPENED.........125.00
    58. usgi pilot in flight relief bag, unused of course..............................................5.00
    59. 1911A1 brass grip inserts. designed to add weight to the gun to tame recoil. it also was used to train SPECOPS for the new 15 round mag 1911 style guns being issues at the time............................................25.00
    60. army B7 life preserver...10.00
    61. paragear equipment catalogs, circa 80's.....10.00
    62. aircrew lightweight summer headset............10.00
    63. leather halo helmet com' muffs.....................10.00
    64. unfinished knife handles..............................10.00
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2024
  2. bobski

    bobski USN Retired Range Owner

    65. old hand fishing poles..................................5.00
    66. vintage fish meter.........................................5.00
    67. sling swivels, nos........................................20.00
    68. uss kidd patch.............................................10.00
    69. E2C hawkeye sticker...................................5.00
    70. VAW117 sticker............................................5.00
    71. vintage penn 720 reel.................................45.00
    72. british battery box.......................................20.00
    73. stebco v blade rescue knife, nos................40.00
    74. shore patrol duty belt, used.........................5.00
    75. green web belt, saw action..........................5.00
    76. fish gig.........................................................1.00
    77. survival flash card set, 9h153,sea.............20.00
    78. black tip cotton belt.....................................1.00
    79. brass tip usmc buckle belt..........................1.00
    80. cpo white cloth belt.....................................1.00
    81. cpo nylon black belt....................................1.00
    82. cpo white nylon belt....................................1.00
    83. cpo cloth belt..............................................1.00
    84. lyman #55 powder drop............................75.00
    85. navy enlisted silver buckle.........................1.00
    86. parachute data pocket...............................1.00
    87. sdu-5 strobe.............................................10.00
    88. parachute club of america patch................5.00
    89. gloss tip cotton belt/flat painted buckle......2.00
    90. delaware mem bridge knife.......................15.00
    91. navy SEAL recruiting poster......................10.00
    92. miniature arms, hardcover book..................2.00
    93. ruger stickers............................................10.00
    94. ww2 30cal bore jig......................................1.00
    95. winchester 25 straight patch.......................5.00
    96. winchester 100 straight patch.....................5.00
    97. mec 302 charge bar, skeet special...............5.00
    98. my entire pistol loading bench................1750.00
    99. winchester gallery gun loading tube.......... 60.00

    remaining stock and corporate license to SKEETMASTER TUBES INC...
    see my ad in this forum............25,000.00

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  3. bobski

    bobski USN Retired Range Owner

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    bobski USN Retired Range Owner

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    bobski USN Retired Range Owner

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    bobski USN Retired Range Owner

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    bobski USN Retired Range Owner

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    Trapstarr likes this.
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    bobski USN Retired Range Owner

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    bobski USN Retired Range Owner

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    bobski USN Retired Range Owner

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    bobski USN Retired Range Owner

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    bobski USN Retired Range Owner

  13. bobski

    bobski USN Retired Range Owner

  14. bobski

    bobski USN Retired Range Owner

  15. bobski

    bobski USN Retired Range Owner

    more to come soon...
  16. bobski

    bobski USN Retired Range Owner

    Last edited: Aug 20, 2023
  17. bobski

    bobski USN Retired Range Owner

  18. bobski

    bobski USN Retired Range Owner

  19. bobski

    bobski USN Retired Range Owner

  20. bobski

    bobski USN Retired Range Owner

  21. bobski

    bobski USN Retired Range Owner

  22. bobski

    bobski USN Retired Range Owner

  23. bobski

    bobski USN Retired Range Owner

    one time offer......ALL OF MY STUFF LISTED HERE..........75,000.00 CASH FTF. FFL TO FFL ON GUNS, FTF ON THE MISC STUFF.
  24. bobski

    bobski USN Retired Range Owner

    back to old asking price.............